𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔦𝔳𝔢

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getting the band back together

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LIZZIE SQUEALED in happiness and excitement as she barged into her parents' room. 

"Stef! Care! I found it! I found the third piece," The couple woke up to their daughter jumping up and down on their bed, screaming at them to wake up because she found the last piece to bring her sisters back.

"That's good, Liz. Sleep now," Caroline muttered, flopping back on the bed. She was not a morning person, and wouldn't even wake up if she had won a pair of designer shoes. The woman loved her designer shoes.

Despite being a vampire, which meant she didn't need sleep, she wanted it.

"I'm going to bring Hope and Josie back today. Can you help me? I need a shit ton of witches, a pack of werewolves, and some vampires to sacrifice," She left without another word making the two vampires in the room roll their eyes knowing that they were going to have to get all of these people for her.

The vampire part would be easier along with the werewolves because a stupid lady named Jules brought her pack to Mystic Falls and they could easily turn a few humans or find some random vampires. They didn't know how to get witches, but knew that Lizzie would have a backup plan for that one.

Which she did.

She was going to call a few of the witches from the Gemini Coven as well as witches from some rival covens and use them in the ritual. They deserved it, so she didn't really care. She also didn't care because she would sacrifice anyone needed to bring back the two girls.

She prayed that this would work because she did slightly doubt herself and the fact that the Other Side was basically falling apart.

But she'd have to work with what she has.

She just hoped that it would be enough.


THE OTHER SIDE was collapsing much faster than Josie and Hope expected it to. Of course they didn't want to stay dead, but they also didn't want to be selfish with Lizzie's decision. They knew that she was strong enough to do the spell, but the only thing on their minds were: 'What if she's not strong enough and dies?'

Because Lizzie, despite siphoning off of multiple supernatural creatures just before the ritual, might not have been powerful enough or something could go wrong. They were not only worried for themselves and their sister, but their respective families as well.

Hope had seen her father along with her aunts and uncles; only a few people were missing. Josie had seen her stepfather, her mother, and her aunt and uncle. They wanted to come back, they wanted to be alive again and be happy with their families and Lizzie, but they liked the peace they had together.

The two girls had never really acted on their feelings, only doing so barely before they died, not getting to spend enough time together; they used their endless time on the Other Side for that along with watching over Lizzie.

They missed her. Hope considered her a sister. Josie was her twin sister. The two lovers wanted to get back to their sister.

So they had a chat with Qetsiyah who was on the Other Side with them, and she agreed to give them a little power boost so that when Lizzie was performing the spell they could too and it would help them come back easily, though she did want something in return: Silas to never be released from the tomb which was easy enough for them. If he was released, they could always use their powers and desiccate him again.

So while the other people on the Other Side were panicking, Hope and Josie were getting ready to go home. To get to Lizzie, who was waiting for them to come back to her.

She would just have to work faster because the Other Side was on the last string. Everything was cracking and it was losing its stability, and if she didn't revive them in time they would be gone forever and would never be able to be brought back.


LIZZIE WAS CURRENTLY siphoning the life out of vampires, witches, and werewolves so she was sure she had enough strength to complete the spell to bring her sisters back.

"I'm ready," she nodded in the direction of her parents as well Hope's family who had come to watch the ritual. They were not only there to supervise and get to see their supposed Hope, but also in case something went wrong and they had to intervene.

She took the three pieces she had collected, and fit them together like pieces to a puzzle, and when the device clicked, she smiled in relief. She set it on the ground in front of her and took a deep breath before she started chanting.

"Redde trientem et siphonem. Virtus obscura per haec artificia fluit. Redde trientem et siphonem. Virtus obscura per haec artificia fluit."

The device started to glow red, indicating that something was happening. Lizzie felt her nose start to bleed but she held the spell making it stronger.

"Redde trientem et siphonem. Virtus obscura per haec artificia fluit. Redde trientem et siphonem. Virtus obscura per haec artificia fluit."

She could feel blood dripping from her eyes as well, and she knew she might die from continuing the spell but she did anyway because she wanted her sisters to be alive. She only stopped when she felt someone shake her and a familiar voice called out her name.

"Liz! Liz! Lizzie! We're here! Stop the spell, it'll kill you!" Immediately, Lizzie stopped the spell, whipping her head around in the direction of the voice she had been longing to hear for the longest time.

When she caught the sight of her beloved twin's concerned face, she launched herself into the dark-haired girl's arms, and Josie wrapped her arms around her sister, bringing her into a closer hug, not letting go. She doubted she would be able to let go.

When she finally did, she did the same to Hope who had finished greeting her parents. Hope had projected her memories into their minds so they knew who she was and so that they'd still have memories of her with them and as a kid.

The three were finally back together, and nothing would ever make them happier.

𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔦 𝔱𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔰 | 𝔱𝔳𝔡Where stories live. Discover now