𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

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the mikaelsons

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LIZZIE AND STEFAN had been playing the Scooby Gang even more these past few days, which they didn't even notice due to their entire lives revolving around Elena.

The two made a deal with not only Elijah, but Klaus as well after mentioning that their siblings weren't buried at sea (which changed Elijah's mind about killing his brother).

Lizzie had stolen the real moonstone and gave it to Klaus, replacing it with a fake one. She had made sure that Bonnie couldn't access the magic of 100 dead witches to stop Klaus by siphoning the power for herself, knowing that the magic would pass through and disappear after a day. She had also collected a werewolf and vampire for the sacrifice.

The deal she made with him was that she would give him the location of where his father was desiccated and help him complete the ritual as long as he woke up all of his siblings. Because even though she didn't really know all of them that well, they were Hope's family and she was doing this for Josie and Hope.

Her sisters.

She didn't care that bringing them back was going to kill her, she just wanted them alive.

The Scooby Gang was also shocked when they saw Stefan and Lizzie helping Klaus, and they looked like they were going to die of shock when they saw Elijah helping Klaus. Their plans were going wrong, and Elena ended up being sacrificed, but came back to life because her biological father John Gilbert traded his soul for Elena's, not wanting her to end up as a vampire.

Klaus turned into a werewolf for two days, woke up in the woods, and headed back to Alaric's apartment. Once he took care of some business there with his witches, he followed Lizzie to her house, and that was how she was in this situation.

He was met with the sight of all of the Mikaelson siblings in her living room.

Including Sleeping Beauty Freya.


THERE WAS SILENCE before it was broken by the Original Hybrid himself, done soaking in all of the information Lizzie had revealed to them.

"So Hope is my daughter but she's dead along with your sister," Klaus clarified, his facial expressions devoid of any emotion, but his eyes swimming with happiness, fear, and sadness. He would've tried to kill one of them if he could move, but none of them could thanks to Lizzie's magic.

"Yes, and I'm sorry for that but I'm bringing them both back. I just need a little bit more time," she promised. She was close to getting the results of the objects she had collected. She just had to collect people for the sacrifice and make sure she had enough power to channel for the spell.

All of the Mikaelsons honestly felt bad for her, as it seemed she was desperate for her sisters to come back. They knew they would do anything to get each other back if one of them had died as well, but Lizzie was too desperate, almost as if she physically couldn't live without the two girls. They had listened to what she had said, describing everything she had gone through then and now after she had time traveled, and how she talked about bringing not one but two people back to life.

They pitied her but respected her for her determination and loyalty to her own sister and their supposed Hope.

"You don't need to bring them back," Surprisingly it was Klaus who spoke up, "The power will drain you and you will die so what'll be the point of that? For them to live without you?" he asked her.

"I'm not going to die bringing them back. I'm not bringing them back because of the Other Side nonsense. I'm not a nature witch, I'm a siphoner. I can bring them back once I get the fucking third piece." she insisted, the lights started to flicker and her hands clenched and unclenched.

"Calm down, love." Rebekah told the teenager, knowing that her magic was lashing out as she was not in control at the moment, blinded by her love.

"I am calm!" Lightbulbs shattered and the Mikaelsons didn't know what to do but Stefan did. Luckily, he intervened before her destruction could get any worse.

"Sorry about that. She's having another one of her episodes. I'll tell you if we've found something useful," he apologized for her, speeding away with Lizzie in his arms. The Mikaelsons understood, as beforehand Stefan had explained to them that Lizzie was bipolar and her vampirism heightened those feelings, which made triggering an episode easier than when she was just human.

"Liz, you have to understand they were just trying to take pressure off of you," Stefan soothed. These past few months he was her anchor. He knew how to calm her down slightly just like Josie, and she felt safe with him.

"I know," she whispered, tears making their way down her cheeks.

"I will be here with you every step of the way along with Caroline," he promised, bringing the girl into a hug.

"Yeah! I never knew about me having children, especially as a vampire, but you are a hot girl and I'd accept you as my daughter any day," Caroline commented, walking down the stairs.

Lizzie just laughed through her tears of frustration. She loved Stefan and Caroline.

Her mother and father. Part of her family.

Now she just had to get the other half back.

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