𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢

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haunting faces

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AFTER A FEW DAYS of preparing her cover and reviewing all the stuff she brought back from the future, Lizzie found that she was extremely nervous. It was the first day of school for her and she would be meeting her mother and her stepfather. It was going to be hard for her as she was going to have to see and most likely interact with them almost all day and every day with a straight face. There was no excuse she could give if she suddenly burst into tears over them.

They scare me? They're my parents? I know them but they don't know me? They both look like people I used to know?

These were childish excuses that wouldn't work, so she was going to have to try and control her emotions for once and act natural around them. Something she had never even attempted to do before was to learn how to stay calm without Josie's help, but she was determined to do it. She was going to do it for Josie. It was the only way for her to achieve her goal.

Act normal, befriend her mother and stepfather, absorb a lot of magic, and then bring back her sister from the dead and Hope to this timeline. It was a simple list of things and would work if she had all the right objects, people, and enough power to execute it. But, it would only work if she followed the plan.

To not draw too much attention to herself, she decided to only feed on blood bags and stocked up on those, as if she stole from the hospital it would be suspicious. If she ran out, she would have to snatch, eat, and erase, but she hoped she could get more blood banks from out of town before it came to that.

Luckily, she was able to control her bloodlust better than what she originally thought thanks to being a heretic, as her (new) magic was a warm feeling for her and anchored her to her humanity. She no longer felt empty and cold when she didn't siphon, as she was constantly siphoning her vampire side. She never understood why witches were so distraught if they ever lost their magic or turned into a vampire which cut off their connection, but now she did. When she was just a siphoner, she didn't feel a connection to nature or her magic, but now she did. She felt her magic with her all the time, and to live like that for so long and then have it torn away from you would be maddening. Now she understands why Hope's uncle, Kol, was a ruthless, psychotic murderer (at least back then). It was because losing his witch side drove him mad and took away any control he might have had before becoming a vampire.

The Bond, which was somehow still there, also gave her some form of control. It constantly reminded her that if she got caught she would never see her twin again, and that was the only motivation she needed.

She quickly got dressed, throwing on a light green crop top with a design in the middle and a string that you tie, blue low-rise jeans with a cute belt, and a leather jacket, paired with her black converse. She picked up her bag and got inside her new car, which she had compelled a few days prior, and drove to school.

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