𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔬

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the truth and when it all began

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THEY HAD BEEN sitting in silence for over 10 painful minutes as Stefan sat mulling over all of the information from the future that Lizzie so kindly dumped on him.


"Are you gonna say something or what?" Lizzie drawled, bored of just sitting in silence.

"Well I think I have the right to be shocked, step-daughter of mine." Stefan spoke up, still in disbelief with everything Lizzie had told him.

"Oh shut up." Lizzie smiled, sucker punching him in the arm.

"So let me get this right," he started, and Lizzie nodded her head for him to continue, to which he did, "Not only vampires, witches and so-called doppelgängers exist because there are also werewolves, siphoners, heretics, and Original vampires. Also, hybrids will become a thing pretty soon.." Stefan trailed off, and Lizzie assumed all of this information blew up his head.

"Yup, and you so have to date my mom." Lizzie demanded Stefan, and when he was about to say something she just waved her hand, making his mouth disappear.

"Before you say anything, you were her husband who sacrificed himself on your wedding day. I think you owe her even if it technically didn't happen yet. Also if you don't, she's going to feel like Elena's better than her and will try to hook up with Damon who uses her as a human blood bag who he has full control of. Actions and all, which includes you-know-what." she said, all in one breath, surprising and angering Stefan, who just pointed to his mouth.

"Right. You can't speak." Lizzie mocked, pouting, "That's too bad for you, blabbermouth." She got up and went to her room, slamming the door shut. And when Stefan tried to get up and follow her, he found himself stuck to the floor, in a criss-cross position, which he hated doing. Oh, he was going to get her back for this, and it wouldn't be pretty.

But what he didn't know was that he was the one who taught Lizzie how to prank people and stay one step ahead. His plan was going to backfire.

Regardless of this, with the new information he had learned he inwardly smiled (as he didn't have a mouth) at being married and having step-children. It was his dream to always find happiness with someone and start a family.


BY THE TIME that Stefan got his voice back along with being unstuck it was pretty late, but they decided to go to the grill for some dinner, where they were met with Caroline waving them over to sit with her, Elena, and Bonnie. Looking at one another and shrugging, they decided to walk over and take a seat. Lizzie opted to sit in between her mother and Aunt Bonnie, leaving with Stefan glaring at her, being forced to sit in between Caroline and...Elena.

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