The Opposite (Chapter 4)

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Jungkook,v,jin,jhope,rap mon,suga and jimin are always not in our class because they're practicing for the presentation, they really are into it.. so I'm alone just listening to music because we're not doing anything right now, our teachers are all busy preparing for the celebration.

"Hey there." Someone called from my back, I turned and saw Elijah.
"Hello." She waved, and I looked at her with the Are-you-referring-to-me look.
"Yeah you."
"Why are you alone? Looks like your body guards are not with you today?" Rubelene asked me.
"Um.. actually they're always not with me during class hours."
"Yeah I noticed, 'coz they're really practicing hard." Shaila interrupted.
"Yeah, they are into it so much."
Rubelene said.
"I'm excited for their performance, especially jin." Shaila said excitedly.
"You like jin?" I asked her.
"Well, yeah.. I liked him since they transferred here." She explained.
"Anyway, at first she's really jealous because you and jin are close." Elijah told me.
"Yeah, she's also angry at you sometimes." Rubelene said.
"Okay, That's enough.."
"Erm.. no need to be jealous we're jusy friends anyway."
"Yeah, I know.. sorry for being mad at you." She apologized.
"It's okay."
"Can you tell me something about him?"
"I don't really know him, but he's the most silent member among them and he's gentleman, and also a caring guy." I told shaila.
"I noticed that too, they're all loud and playful but he's the most silent."
"Well, he's also the peace maker in their group."
"I see.. I want you to meet my close friends." She said and I nod.
"This is elijah, rubelene, lucille and mary ruth." Shaila introduced them to me.
"Hello!" They all said, then I just nod.
"From now on, you're one of us now." Elijah said.
"Can we be friends?" Lucille and Ruth asked.
"Um.. s-sure."
"Don't worry we're not gonna bother you always, we're going to behave.. right elijah?" Shaila said firmly and turned her look to elijah.
"What? Why only me? How about lucille?" She complained.
"Don't implicate me with your foolishness."
"That's enough." Shaila said.
"Sorry for bothering you, we're going to behave in our very best." Mary ruth told me.
"Got that elijah?" Shaila said.
"No buts.. try to behave sometimes."
"Okay, fine."
"We're friends now right?" Rubelene asked.
"It's just when we see you alone it feels kinda boring and sad." Lucille told me.
"Yeah, that's why we want to be friends with you while bts are busy we're here to be your friends." Rubelene said.
"How can you live with that?" Elijah asked me.
"Live with what?" I confusedly asked.
"That, alone and just listening to music not talking to anyone."
"I'm used to it, I prefer to be alone more often." I explained to them.
"Ah, sorry for bothering you, we're just concern that you are alone and it's like you're sad and lonely."
"No, I'm okay.. It's fine."
"So we're friends now?" Shaila asked.
"Sure." I answered shortly.

From that day forward me, shaila and her friends became close we became friends and they're the one who's always with me when bts are not around, but when it's already dismissal, Bts are the ones who's with me and sometimes it's just jungkook, as usual he's accompanying me to our house, 'coz they're practicing for the celebration.

(Fast forward)

It's one day left until our school anniversary, all of the students are all busy and practicing hard for the program, while me, just watching shaila and her friends dance, I didn't know they're all good at dancing.. looks like I'm not belong, I really don't know how to dance..

"Hey K!" Shaila called me, and I looked at her with a What-is-it look.
"Come join us." She requested.
"I-I.. um, I don't dance." I shyly told her.
"Why not?" Rubelene interrupted us.
"It's because I don't know how."
"What? really?" Shaila asked me surprisedly.
"Don't worry.. we can teach you, come on." Rubelene said and she grabbed my hand.
"That's not really my thing."
"It's fun just try it, we'll teach you.. and you'll be a good dancer too." Shaila said.
"Erm.. I-I, fine." I said and both of them grabbed me.

They taught me how to dance, at first it was a little hard for me but it's easy and it's fun just like what they said.

"Wow, you are a fast learner." Elijah complimented me and I blushed.
"Yeah, you're good at dancing." Lucille complimented me too.
"Um.. t-thanks." I said shyly.
"Now, you'll be a really good dancer." Mary ruth said to me.
"T-thanks, can I go to the bathroom first?"
"Sure, hurry back." Shaila said.

I went to bathroom to wash my face, wow! That feels refreshing. Suddenly when I'm wiping my face with my hankie someone hugged me behind my back, I was shocked so I struggled to be free and slapped the one who hugged me, and what in world! It's V. O_O

"What the hell do you think are you doing you moron?!" I yelled and it echoed in the empty restroom.
"Hugging you." He tried to hug me again but I pushed him away.
"You moron! Get out of here!" I hurriedly pulled him out in the girls' bathroom. man, this guy is annoying. Argh!
"What do you think are you doing huh? Why did you went inside of the girls' cr?! Are you out of your mind?! Someone might see you in there and report it to the office and you might be suspended because they'll think you're peeking for girls!" I shouted at him.
"I-I I'm sorry, I just missed you that's why I am looking for you and shaila said you're in the bathroom so I went in to see if you really are there." He explained. Man, this guy is really an idiot ey?
"Oh V, poor little idiot.. Can't you wait for me to get out?"
"I'm just making sure if you're there. I wanted to see you already, 'coz we're not always together, I want to play.. I mean I missed you, I'm so sorry K." He pouted, this guy is still really an innocent boy.
"Okay fine, just.. don't ever do that again."
"Yes sir! You're still my girlfriend right?" He asked cutely.
"Um.. y-yes!"
"Yey! My girlfriend K and I are good now!" He shouted like a child as usual -.-
"Shh! Shut up.."
"What? Did I say anything wrong?" He asked innocently.
"Erm.. N-no, nothing.. just don't be so loud." I told him.
"Alright, I'm sorry again."
"Okay, okay." Then we head back to our room.

"Wait, aren't you gonna practice?"
"Um.. they're practicing already."
"Why are you still here then?"
"I want to be with you.." He explained, then shaila and others shouted.
"Are you guys together?" Elijah asked me.
"Yeah, we're together now." V said happily.
"Really? You guys are cute together."
"W-wait.. w-we are not together, t-that's a misunderstanding."
"Don't deny love, V already admit it." Lucille teased me.
"N-no, that's not what he meant."
"Oh come on, K.. it's okay." Mary Ruth said.
"Hey, that's cool! K it's okay! K it's okay! K it's okay!" V playfully shouted.
"Would you shut up?! You're being annoying again." I half yelled.
"Okay.. that's enough you two." Shaila told us, then V stopped shouting the 'K, it's okay' thing. *sighs* this guy is too noisy and childish, I can't stand this guy sometimes.
"Even though you guys are the opposite you are cute together, so it's possible to like someone that don't have the same mental or taste as you." Rubelene told us.
"Of course, when it comes to love that doesn't matter sometimes, you'll learn what he/she love and understand it.. opposite attracts." Lucille explains, wow! Looks like someone have some experience.. but she has a point huh? But this guy? Erm.. he's too playful and noisy, I'm more like suffer-in-silent type, well he's too loud.. there's no chance that I'll like him.

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