The Opposite (Chapter 5)

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It's already our school anniversary, I don't want to go to school but V told me to come and support them, so I said yes, obviously because he's so annoying that he's always bothering me to come, and also our sir will check our attendance so I still need to come to school.. when I opened the door V was waiting outside..

"What are you doing here?"
"Fetching my girlfriend." He said and winked at me.
"You should be preparing right now for the presentation."
"Well, I want to make sure that you'll come."
"I told you, I'll watch you guys."
"Just making sure."
"You don't trust me do ya?" I asked sincerely.
"N-no, I trust you.. and I-I just want to escort you to our school." He said softly.
"You? So you're not with anyone? Where's kookie?" I asked.
"Yeah, they're all preparing for the presentation already, who's kookie?"
"It's jungkook, kookie.. wait, How about you?"
"I escaped from them, hehehe." He told me then sticks his tongue out again with matching peace sign.
"What? You really are different.. we should hurry then." I said then grabbed his arm.
"Be careful, you might tripped." He warned me.
"I can take care of myself.. I'm not clumsy as you." I teased him.
"Alright." Then he grabbed my hand and run quickly..

"Wa.. it.. V.." I was catching my breath.
"What?!" He turned and look at me, then he suddenly stopped. Finally, I'm really tired.
"I'm sorry, you okay?" He bend and asked me.
"I-I'm tired, I.. don't think.. I-I can run anymore.." I said while heavily catching my breath.
"So sorry, here!" Then V lifted me up in his back. O/////O
"H-hey, put me down you moron." I hit his back.
"We're gonna be late.." he said then runs very fast, now what is this? Twilight? Edward and Bella.. does this guy even get tired or not? We're running the whole time before but don't tell me he's still not tired even a bit? we didn't even have a chance to take a rest..

"Hey, V!"
"Put me down now, You need to save your energy for your presentation.." I told him.
"I'm okay." He turned at me then smiled.
"Hey watch out!" I shout, woo! that's a close one.
"Oops, sorry.. If I bumped in that post we're dead."
"You need to look straight to where you are passing through."
"Yes sir."
"V, put me down now."
"Not a chance.."
"I said now!" I yelled at him, then he put me down.
"You need to take a rest, you're gonna perform later you should be resting but you're carrying me and running, don't over work yourself." I told him like a mother lecturing his child.
"I got it.. I'm sorry K." He sadly apologized.
"It's okay, you need to take a rest first." So we sat on a bench in the park, we always pass here because it's a short cut, after awhile we already walked and went to school, when we are already in school the program started already, lucky him they'll be the last performer, so V went to the practice room to get change and to fix his self.

When BTS are the next to perform, shaila and the others pulled me to move in front to see them clearly and teased me that V will saw me, Seriously? They still think we're together? -.-

When the music started, most of our schoolmates shouted and cheered them.. that's why I don't want to watch it'll be very loud in here. The boys came out with black outfits like a bad boys then they started dancing and singing..

We watched them and I'm really amazed, And I feel so proud.. I don't know why?

When it's V's spot now, I was surprised.. he's not even like the one I knew, the one I used to hang with.. he's really different, he's really into it he's very good at dancing and singing, fyi.. he's singing live they're all singing live. I don't want to say this but he's.. he's so cool, I mean I can't believe it, is that really V? My heart beats fast when V looked at me and he winked and bit his lips.. O//////O What the hell.. what was that? What kind of feeling is this?

"Omg!! They're so handsome!!! Omg!!" Elijah screamed histerically.
"Yeah, they're all handsome right K?" Shaila bumped me.
"Yeah, especially V!" I half screamed, wait... what the hell did I just said?! O_O
"Yiee!!! It's confirmed! you like V." Rubelene screamed.
"Yiee!!" Shaila and others teased me.
"Eh? N-no.. *sighs* enough, let's just watch them." I told them.

We continued to watch them and man, they really all so handsome, these guys are incredible.. V? Is that you? You're so handsome and.. and.. you look so hot, >//////< I-I... god! Stop licking your lips you moron. Wow! Now I know why his name is rap monster he is really good at rapping also suga and jhope.. jhope, jimin and jungkook are so good at dancing also jungkook and jimin are a good singer as well as jin and V. I am enjoying this. Yeah!

"Go BTS! You guys are the Best! Fighting!" I cheered them.
"Wow! Now you're really enjoying this." Shaila told me.
"Erm.. well, I never thought it's gonna be this fun."
"Well, welcome to the outside world.. you finally came out to your comfort zone." Lucille teased me and the others laughed.

When their performance was finally done, we all ran towards them and gave them water and towels.

"How did I do girlfriend?"
"Um.. well y-you.." I blushed when he called me girlfriend, why am i even blushing? He's calling me 'girlfriend' before.
"Hey, hey, hey!" V shaked me and I looked at him.
"Um.. you all did a great job, now stop shaking me moron." I told him.
"I said me, not them, only me!" He complained.
"Don't be a baby now, yeah.. you're so good, you're so handsome up there." I told him and looks like he's satisfied with that.
"I'm handsome? Really?" He asked and my face turned red.
"Uh.. erm.. I-I.."
"Hey, you're face is red are you okay?" V stared at me and I think my face became much more red.
"I-I.. No, I'm not. stop staring at me moron!" I yelled and hit his head.
"Ow!" He exclaimed and they all laughed at us.

After the program BTS, me, Rubelene and the others went to the ice cream parlor to celebrate, and they planned to go to the mall tomorrow.. at first I protested and told them I'm not going but all of them whined and complained that I'm a Kill joy, so I don't have a choice, in the end I told them I'll come.

The OppositeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon