Chap 10.2 : The Sorrowful Execution , The Grim Reaper

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It was already past noon-night.
The blade fell.
Many cheered before the headless MadHatter that was now burning to ash. Thick coloured smoke escaped into the atmosphere carried by the wind.

Amongst the sea of people, two figures stand still. Like statues they were frozen to their shoes in front of the barbed gate. The hoods they wore masked their expressions of horror. Hands trembling, one lean female felt odd material brush her.

When she saw the strange object, Tears threaten to fall. It was the hat of the decapitated one. Partially burnt, but still in good shape. Probably blown away from the wind. She felt like screaming and kicking her gut -But her companion grabbed her wrist and held it tightly.

"We have to..go now...
It's already too late... we failed"
-She told her nice and low.

"I-I don't want.... I..can't believe
-The other said, shakily.

"Don't be such a baby on it!
We can't bring A...-?"
-She snapped loud enough for only her mate to hear, then faltered.

Sounds of gusts of breezed picked up by their hearing. The crowd were already shuffling ... Oddly slowing down at a blur . As if the world was in slow motion, but no one but the two noticed it.

Up high at the royal box, Her grand Highness -Madeline had her back turned slowly. The two cloacked
figues were wide eyed in shock. As one more just popped by right in front of their eyes.

Guise hidden in greying, worn out black. He mouthed something with his index at his lips:

"It's me "

Smiles widen to a smirk on the lips, and time started again. He turned his back and grabbed their hands - Leaving everyone crying in the dust. The cries eventually picked up by royal ears. Voices mentioning a person she never wanted to hear...

SHE LIVES!!!!! "

She jerked from her heels as the piercing emerald irises - Picked up the "Grim reaper" 's face as her hood was pulled back by the wind.
Angered dearly by the deceit and trickery, Madeline declared an all out search. For her head!


Her knights from all divisions: Hearts, Diamond, Clubs and Spade immediately raced after the fugitive.
Meanwhile, the two runaways ,Jan and Kai still shocked .They never thought their comrade was still alive!

They both took off their disguises - Jan being a cloak and dress. While Kai had a cloak only. Led by Ai, They kept going with their escape aimlessly. Dodging without a single precious second to hide themselves.

All was somewhat well, but still good things must come to an end. Before the three could be an inch towards freedom -More radical knights are out on the prowl. Armed with weapons to restrain and suppress them in anyway possible.

Making a few turns within the Royal gardens -The hatter got her thinking cap on. But it wasn't really a flipping idea for her friends. After all
she was just running head-first towards a wall.

Jan : Ai....
You better have a plan for This!!!

Ai: *mumbling something
in concentration *

Kai: Oi!! *Bonks her head*
Answer us Woman!

Ai: *blinks her eyes after felt pain* Crap nuggets!!! I was trying to spell cast here!!!


Jan: Uuh... Guys!!! They're behind our tail!

Ai: Shoot! We're running out of road here too! Talk about bad Chai-time!

As the land get everso little bit by bit, Ai's irises let out a glow while she throws her hands into a clockwork motion. Once her arms reached "12 o'clock and 6" Ai clasps her hands together and created magi circles with every step. And then, once the ebony girl alighned them together with her index finger, She shot the spell right out of her fingertip as if it were a gun .

Ai : Matter link- DESTROY!

As soon she said that, The matter (boulders, Rubble) got scattered in the air and were redirected into the guards. Jan's mouth was agap wide. The three made their mad dash towards the gaping hole onwards to their escape. But the knights were still closing in on them. One of the three gritted her teeth and put a halt.

Ai: Kai-! What are you doing there?!

Jan: Get on running! Its suicide!

Kai: Ah shutup! Its suicide to not putting yourself for your friends!

Saying that, Kai charged headfirst with her knives to the enemy . The stunt she pulled bought a bit of time for the other pair to dive into the forest.

~~~~~Jan's P.O.V~~~~~~

Running, running and more running. Thats what I had been doing non-stop eversince Ai was by my side . I just never thought she'd pull a stunt just to cheat death . Maybe she had before and I didn't knew.

We were doing great but we run into some trouble after Ai fell down.
She had some time getting up while trying to endure the pain from before.

Ai: Argh! That hurt!!
Jan: need some help?
Ai: I'm fine I'm fine, help yourself first!

Jan: Nope, not gonna happen.
*carries her bridal style*

Ai: W-wha you teabag for brains! Put me down this instant!!!

Jan: And risk my life after all we done for ye ? Not a chance sweet cheeks.

Ai: *gets flustered* sweet cheeks-?!
Grrrrr you win this round-

I went on with my tired legs and a triumpthant smile tugging my cheeks. We were far off the forest. I myself is not sure where we are at the moment. All I know , I have a fugitive right at my chest with no regrets.

Heck, I think I see a light
In this dark forest.

Chapt. 10:2 ; The Sorrowful execution : The grim reaper ende

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