Chapter 10 : The Sorrowful Excecution: Their joy, My pain (part 1)

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 ~Date: Waxing Crescent moon.   
       30 Minutes before execution ~               

              Hail! Oh merciful one!
       The damned sinner had us Cursed,
     With the flames of Holy and justice,          Grant thy servants  salvation !

                        Save us-
                        Free us...
          From the sinister devil.

                    *Dungeons *

           (Third Person P.O.V)

           Sounds of metal clanking resounded as two armoured figures were in appearance. One brand's of Hearts, the other much more regale and held the brand of Clubs. Many moans and dull stares were all around. Since wall to wall of the hallways the two walked down were countless iron bars.


            Their presence was known towards the prisoners. They hope and fear to be released -But no, The two weren't looking for small fry. In compared to the one in death row.


        -Bars open to a certain cell .

              A cell of a young girl.

         She was of course,horribly scarred and dressed in white - The colour of purity. Such a plain looking dress, a rather innocent look....On someone like a ruthless criminal .

     "Oi, wake up prisoner! It's time"

   -The harsh voice of a Knight said.

          The girl's eyes fluttered open as soon she was called. The one of hearts fiddled with her shackles and tool them off. The weak girl had a rough time getting up from her sitting position -As if she lost all of her energy and will.

             Eventually, the ebony prisoner dragged her feet out of her cell.Guided by the two knights, She was lead to a special yard with her hands and feet bound.


             (At the execution site)

       She couldn't believe her eyes.

          The yard almost look like what seems to be a town's square and a horrendous coliseum  - Sprayed with blood and littered with decayed remains.It was like a monstrous stage. The residents, both aristocrats and commoners packed the yard.

         The town's people crowded most of the place. While the  classier people had boxes along with the Queen -whom had the grandest.

         All to see one maiden die...

            Beyond the gate -Separating people and the horrors, were the death row victims and their tortures.

Each torture had been carried out either in a grand scale or rather messy. Depending how serious the crime was -And the masses own twisted amusement, not for the faint hearted.

            Today on the waxing crescent moon of the lunarian calendar, They decided to make it nice and grand. Much more grand than any other execution they had before ~!

       A memorial beheading...
       And burning.

       Right infront of the prisoner was the lovely maiden -The guillotine. It as well as the site was decorated with hundreds no- Thousands of portraits and white flowers. Portraits of men - young ,old...plump, skinny ,muscular. All of them were in Knight armor and suffered the same ill fate.

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