~A little info on the cast~

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Yo everyone ~

VocaHunter here ^^

Wow, It's been 4 chappies so far!

I hope you loved my story thus far!


If you are asking a few questions about my cast here , lemme clear things up.

~About Jan ~

1) He is a 13 year old Filipino boy

2) A otaku and gamer, but it is rarely mentioned in the story.

3) He can act mature, yet he is childish at times.

4) Religion?  well....  He is Catholic.

     (But I never mentioned any details about it for safety reasons. )

5) He is TALL,  175cm

(and Probably getting taller! )


6) He is Based off one of my dearest Facebook friends.  :3

7) has a large family back in the human world.

~About Ai / Mad Hatter  ~

1) She is based off me. (=w=)v

2)Obviously, she is Crazy ~

    (in a good way and bad...)

3) Height?  well she is kinda short.

4) Loves tea.


6) A mysterious character .

7)Has a hatred for the Queen

8) An anaemic

(That means she is a person who lost her memories )

9)A Trigger Happy Gunswoman.

~About Misaki / March Hare ~

1) Based off my Best friend.

2)Her best friend is Ai.

3) Has a temper.

4) A Protective person.

5) She can be hyper at times.

~About Kai / Mad Alice ~

1)She is based off one of my.dear  friends back at school.

2) A cheerful and cheeky  girl.

3) Loves to play a few tricks on people, like stuffing danishes into "someone's mouth "

  4) Looks like Ai

  5)Just like Ai, Kai is crazy as well.

  6)Her best friend is Caline.

~About Cheshire Cat  /Caline / Chesh~

1)Based off one of my friends.

2)She has a laid back personailty.

3)Has a reliable amount of knowledge .

4) A magic user.

5)She does has this nasty habit of misleading people.

6)Loves to spook the Door mouse.

~About Door Mouse / ??? ~

1)Based on a character from another story made by me.

2) Has no "name "

3) Has the ability to transform when needed.

4)He resides in the Mad Hatter's tea party.

5)Can be frightened easily

6)Can be subdued  with jam.

~The Queen ~

1) The ruler of WonderLand

2) The person Ai hates.

This is all I can tell you about them~

Character development will be expanded during the story!

And if anyone is confused of the language they use in Wonderland..

It's made up gibberish.


With occasional languages

like  Japanese and Malay , etc.

Well see you later ,my tea biscuits <3

Please keep supporting me with your comments and votes! 

Lots of Love and Danishes


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