Heartbreak Healer

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Drew was strolling down the corridors of the school with his buddies Liam and Henry when he had overheard giggling. This giggling did not belong to just anyone, but his sweetheart, Zoey. He had just assumed she was conversing with her best friend Lia, but he was so inaccurate, what he overheard next destroyed him and broke his heart completely. 

"Talk to you later babe, love you too, bye!" Zoey said hanging up her phone blushing.

"Zoey...w-who was that?" Drew questioned her in both hysteria and disbelief.

"D-Drew...I..." Zoey began before Drew interrupted her.

"Save it, Zoey, we are done, have fun with your other lover," Drew said before spinning around and walking away. 

Liam and Henry gave Zoey a face of disappointment and walked away accompanying their friend. They knew that Zoey was cheating on Drew but they preferred not to mention it to him because he faithfully loved her. 

Drew wasn't consuming any of the food he got at lunch, and Liam and Henry felt really bad for him. "I can't believe it you guys, Zoey had a confidential second boyfriend and was cheating on me the entire time we were together, did I mean anything to her or was I just a pocketbook she used for her own necessities?" Drew harangued to Liam and Henry. "Seems that way doesn't it?" Liam said while devouring some pomegranate seeds. 

Drew sat there, feeling lost, and then he looks over at his old friend, Jake Sterling who was with his new friends, the music club. He seemed comfortable around them, especially around Hailey Austin, who helped Jake find himself. Drew presumed that was what Zoey was like to him before he discovered the revelation about her. 

"Drew, come on...class is about to begin in 10 minutes and you have not eaten a single bite of your food," Henry stated. Drew groaned and began to eat some of his food before the bell rang. 

As soon as the bell rang, he grabbed his stuff and started to walk to his next class, which he did not want to go to. He didn't want to be in the same place as his ex-girlfriend. Nevertheless, he had to go.

 While going to class, he collided with someone and collapsed on the floor.  "I-I'm sorry, I was in a hurry and was not watching where I was going!" the person said. The voice of the person belonged to a girl that Drew did not speak to very commonly, her name was Stacy. She had her navy blue hair in a ponytail with a white bow and luxurious Periwinkle eyes that shined like crystals.

Drew stood up and helped her pick up her books. "It's ok, I wasn't either," he responded as he returned her the books that had collapsed onto the floor.  "O-ok, um do you know where the science class is, I forgot," she said. Drew with a smile replied to her saying that he would guide her, he even chuckled remembering he had the same class as her.

As soon as they reached the class, she thanked him and walked in, not regarding him follow her in. They both sat down in diverse areas of the room. Stacy was in the front and Drew was in the back with Zoey.

 "Ok class, we are going to be choosing partners for your next project," the teacher had announced. Drew looked around and noticed that nobody was choosing Stacy, so he stood up and walked over to her with his stuff. "Can we be partners?" he asked her. She looked at him startled. "You have this class too?" she asked him, he responded with a nod and a smile. She then agreed to be his partner.

The teacher explained the project and handed out the papers.  Drew and Stacy read it and started doing their work. Jake and Hailey both had apprehended that Drew looked shattered but happy at the same time, they just didn't conjecture why. 

When class was over, Drew walked over to his locker when he heard footsteps coming closer to him. He decided to disregard it but as they got closer, Drew was trying to comprehend who was approaching him.  He turned around and saw Stacy, holding her books and his cellphone. "You nearly forgot this in the classroom," she stated handing him his phone. "Oh, thank you, Stacy, hey, actually, would you like my phone number?" he asks. She agrees and they exchange phone numbers.

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