~'Hinderance ''

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'~Hinderance-  Another way I like to say Hiding *One's Destiny 🧘🏾‍♀️


Have you ever thought of Blaming anyone else ,Other then yourself of where you are today? No right ?
Of course you  haven't , I feel  where your coming from cause We all do it ,
¥¥€  ALL Literally have tendencies of pointing the finger , Playing victim , We are Our biggest Enemies . I say this because One minute we are Rooting for ourselves then the Next we are Doubting Our potential.
Like Why do we do that ? I honestly really don't know Why; But from experiences ,I feel like because as a Human we have feelings ,As Human we Mentally  Always to have to think Negative of a Positive situation or about One selves . It's Mental Game we play Even though We don't even  have to do that ,Our Creator , Our God knows our worth he created us ,We have the tools to succeed , To achieve to make Our Mark.
He spiritually gave us the tools to success right in front of us, We just have to Take the next step.
Which is to stop our selves for being our Biggest Enemy face our fears in our Mentality to Our Reality, And be Interwine Spiritually and everything will fall into place . Now I know it won't be easy it will take sometime and Growth ,But My Love you got this keep Your chin up ,Your Head held  High and shine because made to be Great ,Create Great and Follow  Your Destiny   Not Hinder it...

~Many blessings to you ,See ya when I See Ya ✌🏾🔆.

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