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             I looked over at the Doctor, my Doctor, and feel a surge of happiness shoot through me so powerful that it takes all my self control not to start giggling. "What is it, Rose? You look like your about to blow up." He smiles, some days I live for those smiles. Im still not used to his new face, the new way he smiles, the new way he looks at me. I stare at him as he works the controls of the Tardis, wondering where he's going to take us.....or when. I'm suddenly jolted out of my thoughts as the Tardis lurches forward. I fall against the Doctor and he quickly rights me, a worried look on his face as he frantically rushes about the controls. I'm about to ask what's wrong when the Tardis lurches again. "Rose, hold on!" He shouts as the Tardis shakes uncontrollably. "Were being jerked off course by some powerful alien activity!" He shouts to be heard over the rumbling of the Tardis. "Where are we going to end up?" I scream. He gives me a worried glance and I can tell he doesn't have a clue and that worries me more than anything. My Doctor always knows everything. The Tardis lurches once more and I fall, hitting my head on the edge of the control panels and my vision goes black. The last thing I hear is the Doctor shouting my name.

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