Chapter 1

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Just a heads up, Rocky and Zuma are dating and have been for a while now in this story. Ignore any mistakes, I made this on a whim. Everybody good? Okay, now for the story.

"Today's the day!"


It was a normal day in Adventure Bay. Sunny weather in this place is always to be expected, especially during the summer. The pups were out and about around the Lookout, having finished breakfast and now occupying themselves with various activities.

Rocky and Zuma were taking a nap under a tree, content and comfortable just being near each other. Rubble, Skye, and Marshall were playing tag on the grass, and Chase was assisting Ryder tuning up his ATV.

After a while, the playful pups started to get tired, gravitating toward the tree the two lovebirds were resting under. "Zuma and Rocky sure have the right idea!" Rubble exclaimed as he took a spot under the shade and prepared for a nap.

Skye and Marshall followed suit with a laugh, laying down next to the others. Skye had noticed someone missing. "Hey, where's Chase?" she asked, looking around trying to spot the missing pup.

"I think he was still helping Ryder when we stopped playing tag," Marshall answered her, getting up to check on him. "I'll get him!" he shouted, running away to go find his best friend.


"Thanks Chase, I can manage on my own for this part. You can go join the others if you want," Ryder said, turning to Chase before giving him a pup treat.

Chase barked happily upon seeing the snack. "Thank you Ryder! I'll go find them now!" It didn't take him long to spot them. Once he did, his eyes fell on Skye, and almost instantly he grew nervous, unfortunately failing to see a spotted pup coming his way.

"Today's the day!" Chase whispered to himself. "I'm finally going to tell her how I feel!" He had been mustering up the courage to ask her long time crush, Skye, out on a date. Numerous days and nights were filled with apprehension brought by his own imagination on all the ways this could go wrong. And now, he finally came to a conclusion.

"Tell who?" A voice near him asked. Marshall, despite his best efforts, slipped and came barreling straight into Chase after being distracted for a second. And Marshall, used to these scenarios, wasn't at all bothered with the fall. "I'm good! Hey Chase, what were you talking about?"

Chase, still reeling from the fall, took a few seconds to fully register Marshall's question. He turned red. "Nothing, I uh, just, nothing," he tried to lie, but they both knew it wasn't nothing. Chase knew he couldn't keep up the act, with Marshall being his best friend after all, so he relented and led Marshall a good distance away from any prying ears.

Chase took a few moments to collect himself and his thoughts. "Remember when I told you about my crush." He gulped. "On Skye?" He whispered the last part, feeling his face get hotter. "Well, I plan to tell her today, because I don't think I can hide it from her anymore, or anyone for that matter. I'm pretty sure lots of people already know," he ended with a sigh. He noticed Marshall being oddly quiet, so he sneaked a glance in his general direction.

Marshall was grinning from ear to ear, practically vibrating with energy. He started running around Chase, whisper-shouting his joy. "Yes! The time has come! Chase, I knew you could gather enough courage to plan that!" He continued running in circles until he almost collapsed from dizziness. Even then, on the floor dizzy and spent, Marshall grinned up at his best friend voicing out his support and his best wishes.

Chase asked himself why he hesitated telling Marshall in the first place. The two were close, often confiding in each other when they felt the others wouldn't understand. They'd been together through thick and thin, never waiting to help when the other is in trouble.

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