Chapter 3

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"They can get through this!"


Ryder was looking out the window, anxiously waiting for the storm to end so he could rescue his beloved pups. He'd been waiting at the window ever since he came inside, knowing that he can't go after them with this weather.

Captain Turbot served him some snacks, feeling his pain. He may not own the pups, but they have saved him countless times, and he liked to consider them family. He took a deep breath before speaking, "Don't worry too much Ryder, they're strong pups, smart too." He took a peek at Ryder before he continued. "Courageous as they are, I know they'll certainly carry through."

Ryder relaxed a little. He knows they can handle being stranded, he trained them himself after all. He knows they can get through this, but he still can't help being worried, he is their owner no matter what. "Thanks captain, I just can't help being concerned."

"Well, they are your family after all. Through thick and thin, they try to be there for each other." The captain replied. "Now eat up, this storm is letting up soon and you can't conduct a rescue without calories."

Ryder, now feeling better, helped himself to some cookies and a drink. The reassurance from Captain Turbot improved his mood and readied him for the search mission. A few minutes after his first bite, the storm started to clear up. He made sure the captain was okay on his own, suited up, and started to head back.

While on the water, Ryder alerted the remaining pups with a "Paw Patrol to the Air Patroller!," speeding up after ending the call. He hurried inside as soon as he parked his ATV, waiting for the pups to arrive inside.

"Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder sir!" Chase confidently began, but paused after noticing the absence of three of his teammates. "Well, except for Skye, Rocky, and Marshall, sir."

"That's the emergency pups, they're missing!" Ryder informed them.

"Are they okay?" Rubble asked, concern written across his face.

Ryder frowned, "I don't know," he answered, activating the big screen in front of them. "The storm blew away the three of them when they got stuck on a sail. I tried reaching their pup tags, but they're either too far away or," he took a deep breath, "there's a problem with their pup tags. That's why we need all paws on deck for this mission."

"But Ryder, what if we don't find them by sundown?" Zuma asked, worried about it getting dark soon.

Ryder took a moment to think, "I hate to say this, but if it gets too dark we have to pause the search. It's important to find them, but I can't risk losing any more of you pups. Do you understand me?" Ryder asked, looking at each of them.

The pups looked at each other, hesitating, but they knew Ryder was rightfully concerned for them. After a while, they gave a nod, "Yes, Ryder sir," Chase answered for them, still looking down.

Ryder smiled, easing up a little. "Thanks pups," he said as he started assigning tasks. "We'll have to start here in Adventure Bay, and then we fan out over the waters. I'll make sure to have your locations all the time, as well as check on everyone as frequently as possible."

He then contacted more pups, "Everest, Tracker, Rex, I'll need you to search your respective areas, in case they landed there." He instructed, earning affirmatives from everyone. "Okay, we'll each take a direction and continue moving forward from here. Rubble, you go east. Chase, you go south. Zuma, you take north. I'll go west. Robodog will take the air patroller and check on everyone once in a while with supplies if needed." He assigned each of them, including Robodog who replied with barks.

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