Chapter 5

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No turning back now


"Wow I guess you're really hungry, huh?" Ryder asked with a chuckle as he watched Skye, Rocky, and Marshall wolf down their food. He received no reply, the pups opting to continue eating their food.

After arriving from the island, Ryder had the three of them checked for any injuries and bathed, much to Rocky's displeasure. After that, Ryder allowed all of them to take a nap.

Thankfully, no rescues were needed that day, so the pups had all day for themselves to catch up. Marshall was currently the one sharing his adventure as he gathered fruits. Rocky and Zuma were laying against each other, listening to the story as the two made up for the time they lost.

They ate dinner together, with Rubble sharing their search rescue. They were going to sleep inside the lookout together, using the pillow pile from the previous night. Zuma and Rocky were cuddling against each other, Rubble was laying against Ryder, and the rest of them were spread out but still close to each other.

As the night got darker, Chase found himself unable to fall asleep. Something was bugging him, and it wouldn't let him rest properly. He slowly stood up, careful not to wake the others, and went outside to get some fresh air. Unbeknownst to him, someone had followed him outside.

Chase walked toward the cliff overlooking the bay, stopping a few meters away from the edge. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He was so lost in his own mind that he did not hear someone walking up to him.

"What are you doing here, Chase?" asked the voice behind him.

He startled, but calmed down once he realized it was only Skye. Then he started blushing. She was the reason he wasn't able to sleep, she was all he could think of, resulting in him losing sleep.

She sat beside him, worried at his silence. "Chase?" she called out, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He flinched, then turned to her, his face serious. "Skye, I need to tell you something." He needed to do this, right here, right now. No turning back now.

"I like you, Skye. I don't really know when these feelings started, but what I do know is that I think you're the most beautiful pup I have ever laid my eyes on. I like seeing you smile, and whenever I see you're not I just want to cheer you up until I can hear your laugh." He confessed before he closed his eyes. "What I'm trying to say is, will you be with me?"

Skye was silent. She wasn't expecting this when she followed Chase out. She smiled, noticing Chase was still closing his eyes. She booped his nose, and said, "Chase, look at me won't you?"

As he did, his heart sped up as he looked into her eyes. She was smiling at him, with that smile he loved to see so much. He blushed, but continued to stare at her.

"I like you too, Chase. I know I've always admired you, but I think what I'm feeling right now is more than that. And I'd be the happiest pup in the world whenever I'm with you." She said as she nuzzled against his chest.

Chase almost passed out, his happiness overflowing as his tail expressed his feelings. "You really mean it? Being with me?" He asked.

Skye only replied with a hum as he continued nuzzling him. Both of them were laughing now, their happiness overflowing as they celebrated their new relationship. For a while, they stayed outside, happy to just revel in each other's warmth.

As they were walking back, they heard Ryder calling out their names. They followed his voice to the kitchen, where he was looking for them under the table.

"Chase, Skye, where were you? I thought you went missing again." Ryder worriedly said as he hugged them both close to himself.

Chase reassured him, saying that they just went out for fresh air and a conversation.

"You both look happy, what did you talk about?" Ryder asked, clueless on why Chase was blushing all of a sudden.

"We're together now, Ryder!" Skye took the opportunity to announce the good news. She was blushing as well, but kept her composure better than Chase.

"Is this true, Chase?" Ryder asked for confirmation. He received a shy nod, Chase still blushing heavily. "Congratulations pups! You both take care of each other, okay?" He exclaimed, hugging them both again, this time with much more happiness. He really wanted all the best for them after all, and if they're happy with each other, then he's okay with that.

Chase and Skye nodded, and the three of them walked back to their little pillow fort. As they settled down, they heard a whisper.

"Congrats Chase! I knew you had it in you." Marshall said, winking at him.

At his congratulations, the other pups shot up and congratulated them, surprising Chase.

"You guys were awake?" Chase asked in disbelief.

"Yeah dude, Ryder was calling you for a few minutes. We were gonna help but you came back in the nick of time. Sorry about eavesdropping though, we didn't mean to." Zuma explained, apologetic in the last part.

"You don't have to be sorry, we were going to tell you anyway." He walked to Skye and nuzzled her head. "Skye and I are together now!" He proudly announced.

They were met with another round of congratulations, as well as wishes of happiness. All of them went back to sleep, happy and full of all kinds of love, knowing that as long as they had each other, their family, everything would be okay.  


And that's the end! I really don't like angst that much, if you couldn't tell. I can't bring myself to give them anything other than a happy ending.    (T-T)

Anyway, I'll publish a new book next year. ;))

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