Chapter 4

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"We'll stay in touch."


It was morning now and the three stranded pups were just collecting their bearings after waking up. Despite being well-rested, they still felt a little under the weather. They decided last night that they had to leave a sign for the others, to signal that they were here on this island.

The three of them couldn't bear feeling down all day, so they tried to lift the mood during their breakfast, which just consisted of fruits and water. Rocky was the first to say something.

"You know guys, this isn't that bad, Ryder prepared us for these situations, we'll get through this." He said, swallowing down his share.

Marshall smiled, "Yeah, we can do this!" He agreed with a bigger grin. He and Rocky turned to Skye, who seemed to be lost in thought. She was eating, but she looked preoccupied thinking about something important.

"Skye? You okay?" Rocky asked, but received no response.

Marshall padded toward her, tapping her shoulder while calling her name. She snapped to attention, looking confused.

"What is it?" She responded.

"What were you thinking about?" Rocky asked, "We were calling you but you seem zoned out."

"Oh I was just thinking about Cha-" She stopped herself, realizing what she was saying.

But the damage was already done. Rocky and Marshall gave each other knowing looks, smiling. "So you were thinking about Chase?" Rocky asked, wiggling his eyebrows with teasing intent.

Skye blushed. It was true, she had always admired Chase, how he was serious during missions and playful outside them, how he'd always do his best to keep them safe. She looked down, hesitant to say something, but then took a deep breath. "Yes," she whispered, "I do like him."

It felt great, finally telling the others what she felt about the other pup. The only one who knew until now was Everest, her best friend. She had told her one night, when Everest was sleeping over. Everest was happy for her, even encouraged her to tell Chase, but Skye was still doubtful about telling him, opting to wait for a better time.

Marshall and Rocky moved closer to her and hugged her, giving assurances that there was nothing wrong with how she felt. She smiled, leaning into their embrace.

Skye beamed at them. "How did I ever get so lucky having you as a family?" She said, more to herself than the others, and grinned as happily as she could.

After a while, the three separated from the group hug. The mood had gone up, and they were ready to take on this island. After all, they had each other, and three pups were definitely better than one.

"Okay, just like we discussed last night," Rocky started, taking charge, "Skye, you make the signal on the beach." He said, turning to Skye and receiving a nod. He then looked at the other pup, "Marshall, you're in charge of finding food. I'll take care of the water, and after we're done, we help Skye if she needs it." He paused, glancing at the others. "Everyone understood?"

"Sir yes sir!" Both Skye and Marshall shouted.

The three shared a laugh and after promises of staying careful, went in different directions.


Marshall was walking around, looking up at the trees looking for fresh fruits. Rocky made him a makeshift wagon out of logs from an overturned tree, but without wheels. Thankfully, the bottom part was smooth enough for him to easily drag it, so there was no problem.

So far, he had a bunch of bananas and two coconuts. It was enough to keep them going for the whole day, but he knows they need the extra helpings, he's only been foraging for a few minutes anyway.

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