Chapter 9: A Woman That Brings You Joy

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Akari's POV

"Alright, here you go." Tohru handed us our dinner.

"Thanks for cooking tonight, Tohru. This looks delicious." I smiled.

Tohru nodded and smiled at me. Suddenly the door to Shigure's study room opened.

"Here's an idea. What do you say we go on a trip tomorrow?" Shigure pitched.

"Where did that come from? That's so random." Yuki stated.

"This is golden week. It would be a shame if we didn't do something special. Chances like this don't come very often." Shigure continued.

"What kind of crazy talk are you spewing over there? You drunk or something?" Kyo asked.

"No, and even if I had been drinking it wouldn't affect me." Shigure chuckled.

"Only because you always seem like you're drunk." Yuki stated.

Tohru began giving Shigure his dinner as Shigure continued to speak.

"At any rate, I thought we might go to one of the Sohma spas or perhaps the lake house. How does that sound, Tohru-kun?" Shigure asked.

"But I've already been on a trip to the hot springs. I wouldn't go on another one. It would be too much!" Tohru cried.

"And what a lovely trip that must have been. It's too bad I wasn't able to be there. I did so want to go, but now I guess I'll never get to take a trip with you." Shigure said with a frown and a sniffle.

"Okay, I'll go!" Tohru exclaimed.

I quietly chuckled and flashed out a small smirk at how Shigure succeeded in manipulating poor innocent Tohru.

"Have you no shame?!" Yuki and Kyo yelled.

"Not really..." Shigure responded. "Anyways, I assume the two of you want to come? You wouldn't mind me and Tohru-kun spending all that time by ourselves, would you? Of course, if we have to go alone that's fine with me."

The boys scowled at him and I sighed.

"Come on boys, let's go. I'll go as well. It'll be fun, I promise." I smiled.

Yuki and Kyo looked at me for a few moments before slowly nodding their heads in response.

"Fine." Kyo stated.

"We'll go." Yuki added.

Then Shigure said we would be driving there. Not sure if he had a license, but he claimed to. He would probably get someone else to drive us and that someone was Hatori. It was a bit tight in that car, but we made it in one piece.

The lake was gorgeous. It shimmered in the light like tiny crystals. Tohru was admiring it with Yuki and Hatori while Shigure and I were sitting on a couch and Kyo sitting on the floor.

"Wow! It's so beautiful and wide!" Tohru awed.

"Are lakes really that special?" Hatori asked.

"Yes! It's my first time seeing one in person!" Tohru responded with a smile.

"It's a sort of cabin Jason might show up at, don't you think?" Shigure smirked.

"Probably." I responded with a small smirk.

"Jason?" Kyo asked.

"Jason's a new type of bear. You're so oblivious, Kyo-kun." Shigure teased.

"Of course I know that!" Kyo yelled.

"No, you didn't." Hatori sighed while I chuckled at Kyo.

"Is it a bear from overseas?" oblivious Tohru asked.

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