Chapter 18: She's mine

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A few months later

Akari's POV

It was already New Year's Eve and we, all the Sohmas, gathered at the main estate and celebrate this year's banquet while Tohru, Kyo, and Isuzu stayed over at Kazuma's place. At first, it was shocking to me that Yuki wanted to attend this year's banquet, but at the same time, I was proud and happy for him. Yuki was finally coming out from his shells and facing his issues on his own with bravery. As his Nee-san, I was proud of him that he was becoming strong, mentally and emotionally. He was not the shy and weak child I used to know once.

The traditional banquet dance was just over now and this year, Hatori and Momiji performed it together. Hatori and I were now standing in the hallway where he was talking of his cloak from his kimono and gloves. This year, Ayame made a beautiful dark red wine-colored Cheongsam dress for me which I was wearing right now. 

Suddenly I noticed Ayame and Ritsu walking down the hallway and making their way towards us

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Suddenly I noticed Ayame and Ritsu walking down the hallway and making their way towards us.

"Tori-san!!" Ayame exclaimed in excitement.

"Hatori-Niisan! Good job!" Ritsu cried out happily.

"A spectacular dance!" Ayame stated, flamboyantly. "I must say, the mingling of Momiji-kun's innocence coupled with your roughness exuded something exquisite! If I had to speak more concretely... Embrace me!"

"Yes!" Ritsu cried out, making me giggle at their silliness.

"Don't make me feel more dismal than I already do." Hatori responded gloomily.

"But you did a great job, Hatori." I smiled. "I loved your dance."

"Nice job Haa-san!" Shigure called out happily, appearing at the scene as he wrapped an arm over Hatori's shoulder and clung onto him. "Glad to have the dreaded dance over with? You're still up next year though!"

"Shut up." Hatori grumbled in frustration.

"That's right!" Ayame grinned. "You'll be with me next! Together we will be the 'Embrace Base'!!"

"Embrace Base?" I chuckled out loud in response.

"Stop spouting nonsense and go back." Hatori sighed again.

"I shall go back first then!" Ayame responded as he and Ritsu walked away from where the banquet dinner would be held.

"Really you change too fast." Shigure sighed.

"Huh?" Hatori raised an eyebrow.

"I wanted to get a picture of your beautiful dance to send it to Mayu-chan." Shigure pouted.

"Absurd." Hatori sighed again. "You wouldn't sway her with something like... wait... Did you two get back together or something? Are you cheating on Akari?"

"No! It's not like that!" Shigure shook his head and hands frantically. "Don't worry about that!"

"You're hopeless." Hatori sighed as he looked at both me and Shigure. "Akito will be missing you both if you don't get back."

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