Chapter 15: Is This A Storm That I Feel Coming?

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Akari's POV

The next day in the morning, all the Sohma kids were ordered to come back to Akito's place again, but this time with Yuki as well while Kyo and Tohru stayed behind at the vacation all by themselves. I felt very bad for them given the fact that they were here on a vacation to spend some relaxed time, not to obey Akito's damn orders or run errands for her.

I was feeling bored right now, so I was walking aimlessly through the hallway. When I was walking past a room, I noticed Shigure with Yuki on the porch. So I quietly approached them.

"Hey, Yuki-kun, I was sure you'd be with Akito-san." Shigure stated.

"Akito's all over Haru today." Yuki replied calmly while reading a book. "He's really in a foul mood for some reason as well. I wonder why..."

"I see..." Shigure responded. "We've got some time on our hands... Yuki-kun, what did Akito-san say to you yesterday?"

"The truth." Yuki looked up at Shigure and closed the book. "You satisfied?"

Yuki stood up and then quietly walked away from him.

"Nope, not a bit." Shigure mumbled with a smirk.

"You really are an evil dude, you know." I sighed as I stood close beside him.

Shigure wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He leaned towards me and softly placed a kiss on my lips.

"Are you upset that I asked him about Akito?" Shigure asked.

"Nope, I'm upset that you always act as a sinistrous sociopath in front of them which you're not." I sighed and leaned towards him, putting my head on his shoulder. "Aneki basically just spat out some nonsense at him, like he's a lonely child, he should just go back to her and whatsoever. This is all just completely absurd."

"What did you and her talk about last night?" he asked.

"You..." I replied.

"Huh? Me?" he raised an eyebrow.

"She said you belong to her and you'll go back to her someday. She said our relationship is fake." I sighed again, closing my eyes and snuggling against him.

"Is that so huh?" he hummed. "Akari... I wanted to ask you something for a long time."

"What is it?" I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Do you really love me? Please be honest with me."

"Do you love me, Shigure?"

"I do, from the bottom of my heart. No doubt about it."

"Then it's the same in my case. The only difference is I wasn't in love with you in a romantic way when we started dating. I liked you but as a friend, totally platonic. But when I was over with Kureno and you showed some romantic interest in me, I thought I should go with the flow and give you a chance. And then with the passage of time, I started to fall for you deeply. If you played with me and used me, then in the worst-case scenario, I might have killed you for being a bastard and playing with my heart. So to answer your question, yes, I'm in love with you, Shigure. I love you a lot."

Shigure flashed me a silly grin and pressed his lips against mine, wrapping both his arms around me and pulling me closer to him.

"Thank you. And I love you too, immensely." He whispered in the kiss, making me smile and kiss him back.

The next day in the morning, the kids came back to Akito's place again, and like always, Kyo and Tohru stayed behind. Now it was already noon and after lunch, Hatori, Shigure, and I were in a living room, sitting beside a window and drinking tea.

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