4. Sunrise

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A gentle yet persistent knock woke you up. You reluctantly opened your eyes and sat on the bed, still covering yourself with the blanket.

"Yes?.. Come in!" you shouted.

The door opened and revealed what seemed to be a maid.

You remembered yesterday's events.

'Oh right, Alcina- ehm, Countess - told that a maid will check on me,' you thought, surprised that you felt the urge to call her by her name rather than title.

The maid entered and brought a cart with covered plates on it, placing one plate on your table.

"Here's your breakfast, my lady. Do you need anything else?" she asked timidly.

"No, thank you," you smiled shortly.

Once she left, you stood up and went to the bathroom to check on your clothes. Luckily, they dried overnight, so you got dressed and returned to the main room, driven by hunger.

The food was beyond delicious. It was rarely as good in your village. This quickly made you feel much better. All the events in your village suddenly seemed to be so distant, as if that was all just a scary dream. But you knew it wasn't. 

Finishing your breakfast, you stood up and decided to check up on the weather, to see if it was good enough to head back on your path to nowhere. It was still raining, not that intense though, but the road is even more unpleasant now that everything is soaked.

Suddenly, you heard a knock once again. "Come in!"

It was the same maid.

"Lady Dimitrescu wishes to see you in the dining room. I will show you the way," she declared.

You nodded and followed her.

Mixed feelings rose up in your chest. Anxiety about the unknown ahead – what will the Countess say? How much Lei do you owe her for a night in such a luxurious room and such a delicious breakfast? Maybe staying here was a mistake? But you were also thrilled to see Her again, in the daylight this time.

You went down the staircase and turned left, going through the main hall and arriving at the dining room. The maid welcomed you there and walked away, telling you to wait for the countess inside.

The dining room was beyond majestic, well, like all the other rooms. Quite spacious, too. You sat at the long dining table and looked around, noticing windows that apparently led to the inner courtyard. Being so close to the outside world in this stone fortress made you feel better and somehow free.

You heard the familiar sound of heels echoing in the hall, the door opened and you saw Lady Dimitrescu duck through it. You looked at her cleavage once again for half a second and immediately forced yourself to look away, suppressing a blush.

She looked at you while approaching the chair on the other side of the table and sitting down.

"So... Y/N," she started. "Tell me your story."

This sounded demanding, but her voice still felt like a mellow waterfall to your ears.

You were confused by her request but still followed the orders, not wanting to contradict someone who kindly offered you shelter.

"Well... I lived in another village not so far away from here with my family. Training my sword and dual dagger skills with my teacher, fighting off lycans and bandits with other warriors, reading books, and just living. During another raid, the bandit leader murdered my parents, I arrived too late. He said it was revenge for losing many of his people by my hand. I fought and, uh, tortured him for a bit," not to sound like a maniac, you felt the need to justify yourself. "I'm not proud of it, but he kind of deserved that, I had to end him early anyway."

Blades and Claws (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now