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A/N: Alright this is my first book, don't judge me I beg. Thank you for deciding to read it.

The year 2152 was the year that the world stopped cohabitating with humanity. We realised too late that we had destroyed our planet, there was nothing to do but slowly live out our days on our dying planet and try to reverse our damage. The only way to truly restore the planet and try to get back to a sense of normality was to create small domes, communities if you will, that would hopefully slow down the damage we had done and give us more time to solve our problem. Me and Ares were raised in a wealthier dome, we had access to everything we could ever want. However, with this luxury came a price. We weren't able to live a normal life, well as normal as could be in this age, we've had responsibility on our shoulders since birth. Ares and I were born with a blood type that's never been discovered before, we were what the scientists at OLYMPIA had been searching for for years. We were different, and OLYMPIA knew this, we were handed over willingly to OLYMPIA by our parents, they believed it was for the greater good of mankind for us to be raised there. Our planet bled with toxic chemicals, this wasn't the worst threat that we faced. LIVE an anonymous company hell-bent on destroying humanity before we can come up with a solution to save earth. No one knew who LIVE were, no one except high ranking officials at OLYMPIA, and Ares and I. That's what we were here for, this is why we were bought to OLYMPIA, so that when the time came, we would step forward seek out and fight LIVE once and for all.

"This is the epitome of boredom" I sighed walking down the long corridor of the prestigious OLYMPIA building to the infirmary. My twin Ares trailing behind me. As I walked down the never-ending corridor, I looked at the same dreary pictures on the wall, the pictures I had been seeing once a week for the last 15 years. Ares and I were bought up by OLYMPIA, the biggest spy corporation in Europe. We never knew who our parents were, but Zeus did. Zeus was the head of OLYMPIA and had been a second father figure to us, coming only second to Hermes, our trainer. Ares and I had spent every day of the year for the last fifteen years with Hermes, we both see him as family now. Zeus had never gone into detail about our parents or what happened to them, eventually after years of asking him he had told us that they had died in a forest fire, Zeus never mentioned them again after that, and that was the only thing we knew about our parents.

"One more day" Ares reminded me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I know, don't remind me, I'm so nervous" I informed him. Tomorrow was the final exam. The exam would determine if we were ready for our purpose, Zeus had always said we were destined to be heroes on earth, that's why we trained in the gymnasium every day for hours on end, often till we were too fatigued to carry on. Every week since we were 3, we had been escorted down to the infirmary where doctors would take blood samples, we never knew what for, but Ares and I had decided it was probably to find out what made us different to everyone else. "Don't be nervous, you've trained for this" Ares pointed out to me, I glanced at the bold features on his face with a look of worry "Easy for you to say, Combat is like second nature to you" I sighed at him. It was true Ares had always wanted to jump head first into the action, his flaw was that he never planned his actions or thought about the consequences. I however had better smarts, I aced every test we were given, and I only fell short by a few marks in the practical exam.

Zeus had told us we were one of a kind, there had never been anyone before us with this blood type and there's been no one since we were born either. The end of the corridor was in sight now and I picked up my pace hoping to get this over and done with quickly. Ares and I walked through the big double doors and went to our separate waiting areas. My Doctor, Doctor Persephone, sped over to me "How are you doing today lovely?" She smiled at me. "Im okay thank you Dr Persephone" I replied quickly, we made small talk for the next few minutes before running through the routine questions. Once Persephone was happy with my answers she scurried to the back and retrieved an empty blood bag before scurrying back over to where I was sat down. When Ares and I were three, we would only give small vials of blood at a time, but Doctor Persephone used to make a game out of it, that way it took our minds off the pain. A prick in my arm snapped me back from my memory, I glanced over at Ares who was having the same done to him. Once the bag was full, we were able to leave and go back to our rooms. Ares waved a nonchalant goodbye before disappearing into his dorm. I decided to go and get something to eat quickly after feeling a bit faint after my blood test.

As I walked down the hall to the canteen, I saw some scientists that I hadn't recognised and Zeus coming out of a door. The door was halfway down the corridor and someone had obviously tried to cover it with paintings and posters to keep the location a secret. Ares and I had discovered this door years ago however when we asked Zeus about it, he said he couldn't tell us what happened in that room, only that we should never ever enter it. I smiled at the small group of people and hastily made my way past them. "All ready for tomorrow Athena?" I heard Zeus shout in my direction, "I hope so" I replied not turning around to look at him, knowing if I did he would be able to tell how not ready I was for this. I grabbed a snack from the canteen and trudged back to my room before crawling onto my bed and under my blanket. I thought about everything that would happen tomorrow, there would be two tests; one physical, and one theory. The theory test I wasn't stressed about at all, I get perfect scores in all my theory tests. The physical test is the test I'm worried most about, Hermès our trainer, has always spotted something wrong in my technique and no matter how hard I try, I can never reach the top mark. Either way, I had to pass this exam, this is what the last 18 years have been about, every day we would train for our purpose. Our purpose was to become highly trained assassins that could eliminate the threat of the anonymous corporation LIVE. LIVE had threatened to end the existence of humanity because we had taken for granted the planet we were on. No one had ever seen anyone from LIVE, but they were out there, they've already wiped out a large amount of the planet, well that's what Zeus had told us.

We were one of the last Domes left.

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