The End Of The Dome

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Ares and I travelled through our Dome, although our dome was't the biggest it was a lengthy walk still. We headed to the city which lay on the outskirts of the Dome and so we'd need to pass through to get to the escape hatch, a hatch only top secret officials knew about, and us of course. Only because we needed to know how to leave, otherwise I'm sure Zeus would have kept that a secret from us too.

"This is so long, we should see if theres any horses that we can get from the stable, might make the trip a bit more exciting" Ares said turning to me with a hopeful glimmer in his eye. At this point we had been walking for a few hours and I had to admit I was starting to get sweaty in the heat. 

"I don't know, we cant take them outside the dome with us obviously. Where would we leave them?" I fired back.

"We'll drop them off at the second stable at the end of city, I'm sure they wouldn't mind, we are basically royalty" Ares answered with a cocky smile. 

It was true, the entire Dome knew we had been training for this mission since we could walk. We had become role models to young children, books had been written about us. It was national news when I left the complex all those years ago, search parties made up of dozens of people looked for me and that was how I was eventually caught. 

"I suppose that wouldn't be the worst idea you've had" 

We scanned the map we had been given and looked for the stables. Luckily they hadn't been stationed too far from where we were. After a short walk we managed to find a small stable with a few horses around.

"How can I help you both" A friendly voice spoke to us. We both whipped around to see an oldish man with a thick accent looking at us, we assumed this was where the husky voice had come from.

"We need two horses, immediately please" I asked hoping he'd be able to help us out.

"Unfortunately, we only have one available. The rest have been booked up for the day" He replied.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry but we're the Blackwater twins. maybe you've heard of us?" Ares rudely spoke to the man.

"I'm so sorry, please forgive my brother for his god complex mindset."

"No, please forgive me. I haven't been reading the news lately. I didn't know it was today that the journey began. If the Blackwater twins ask for it then they shall receive" the man said desperately trying to make us understand his regret before he continued on "Please, take my horse as well as the spare. All I ask is that you make sure you drop it off to the stable at the edge of the Dome" 

"Thank you kind sir, your kindness will not be forgotten" I said as I jumped onto the black horse that he had emerged with. 

Once Ares had mounted his horse we both dug our heels into our horses and galloped into the city. We both looked around the foreign land that was the city, we knew we couldn't stop and look around but we so wished we could.

"This is even better than the pictures in the book!" Ares exclaimed loudly with a huge smile enveloped on his face. 

"Well....yeah" I jokingly rolled my eyes at his silliness.

We reached a market that was bustling with people each trying to hunt for a bargain. Pulling our reins we halted the horses and wondered how we would make it through the jam packed crowd, but before we could come up with a solution a large path was made by the crowd. Someone had noticed us and made sure to alert the other people to form a way through. Excited cheers were made throughout the crowd as we trotted through.

"Oh gosh, it's the twins!"

"This is the most excited I've ever felt, seeing them on their voyage is a dream come true"

"Good luck!" 

"Our saviours are here, they're going to change the world as we know it "

We waved to everyone and carried on through the crowd until we had reached the end and we could no longer hear the yelling from the crowd. "Okay so according to the map, we should be nearing the stables now." Ares had said whilst examining the map and pointing in the direction we should head. We galloped the rest of the way and arrived within minutes. Ares was the first too dismount his horse and hand it to the stableboy. I swiftly followed his actions and thanked the man.

I looked around and found the edge of the dome we would need to head too to leave the only home we had ever known. As we neared the edge of the dome, Ares and I both looked for the hatch, turning on my GPS on my intelligence contacts we quickly found the hatch which was slyly hidden under a rock. I looked at Ares with an unsure expression as he pulled the hatch open.  Ares looked up at me copying my expression of uncertainty.

"We're gonna be fine Ath" He tried to reassure me but his expression never faltered.

I nodded in his expression and asked the question both of us didn't want to answer.

"Who's going first?"

Ares sighed and before I knew it he had descended down the stairs into the pitch black hole that had peeked our curiosity just seconds ago. 

I pressed the button that would activate my helmet and light lines and unsurely followed him down the stairs. I took one last look at the sun that flickered into the hatch not knowing how long it would be before I would see it again. 

Then I shut the door. 

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