Chapter 4

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New things

It's Sunday. I woke up, took a shower and went on the computer to work. Now you might be wondering, what do I do for work.
Well... I'm a youtuber. I record gaming content such as MMORPG and roll-play games. When I did my work, I went eatting to McDonalc's. I met Sarah there.
"What are you doing here?" "I came here to eat. What else woud I doing here?"
"True, true. Let's go seat somewhere." We went eatting on the second floor. It had a nice view.
We talked about an hour. "Hey, would you go to the movies with me? If you don't have time that's ok." "Sure, why not?" I payed for the meal and we went to the movies. "Witch movie woud you like to watch?" "How about a romance movie?" "Ok, il'l get the tickets."
When I got the tickets, we went in and when we got in I saw Zane with some girl. I got the chills in my back again. I don't realy like that guy. He has some weird aura around him. Il'l deal with that later. We took our  seats and the movie started.
In the middle of the movie Sarah grabed my hand. I looked at her and then...She kissed me. I was wondering what just happend, but for now, I'm gonna enjoy the momment. The movie ended. We were still holding hands, when we got out. "Hey Sarah?" "Yeah, what's wrong?"
"Why did you kissed me? I mean, I liked it, but still. Why?"
"It's beacuse I like you. You don't like me?'' I smiled and sead "Well, yes I do like you. But don't you think that things are moving too fast?" She looked at me really angry.
"No they don't. Hey, woud you mind if you walked with me to my house?"
"No I woudn't. Let's go."
It was allready 22:35. We got to her house and she sead "I had a nice day. Thanks for taking me to the movies. Well, see you tommorow."
As she unlocked the door I asked "Hey Sarah? I know we don't know each other that well, but... Would you be my girlfriend?" As I was looking at her, a smile formed on her face. A smile that was in the movie today and she answered "Yes, I would like to be you're girlfriend."
As we both smiled, she putted her head closer to mine, we both closed our eyes and kissed. She went inside an sead "By Alex. See ya' later. I love you." I smiled at her and sead "Bye. I love you too." When I was walking home, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Well, It's Monday tommorow. Will see what happens in school.

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