Chapter 6 (Smut)

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'It keeps consuming me...'

The poison was slowly eating away at every part of his body and soon there would be nothing left.

. . . . . . . .

After visiting this person whose name must not be spoken, Eli returned home exhausted. Going to see his brother on the other side of the city after he went to Pickman's house and then coming back home was not a relaxing experience knowing that he had to be discreet for half of these tasks. Still, the Trickster's embrace upon his return always helped to dissipate all the fatigue he had accumulated. Oh, how he loved those two muscular arms around him. He would love to stay glued to his lover for eternity.

However, a coughing fit suddenly took him, forcing him to break the contact between their bodies and bring his hand against his mouth.

"Again? Are you sure that you aren't overexerting yourself?" asked the other with a worried look.

The brunet waited for the coughing to stop before taking a deep breath and answering the male with a weak smile.

"It may be a slight cold but it will pass, don't worry."

He lied.

"Really? You don't have to go there every day you know, if you still can't find the box-"

"Ahh, Aesop Carl, are you my mother?" he replied exasperated but with a hint of sarcasm.

The dark haired male laughed softly before wrapping his arms around the other and sliding a peck against his cheek.

"I ordered dinner so go and take a bath until then."

Eli nodded as he returned a peck and so went upstairs, leaving Aesop in the living room to continue doing what he was doing before he arrived, which was reading the same book he was reading last time, Hamlet. Rather ironic and well suited to the situation he thought. Once in the bathroom, the brunet removed his top and then looked at his reflection in the mirror. Black and dark green lines seemed to start from his heart and spread over his skin to his shoulder. 

The sight was becoming familiar now, though still disconcerting and ominous. However, he didn't have time to admire the strange phenomenon as he began to cough even more loudly again. He instinctively leaned over the sink and covered his mouth, but the strength coming from his lungs was too much for him and what was supposed to happen happened. A black, viscous liquid stained the clean white of the sink and the palm of his hand, dripping profusely from his mouth.


Eli Clark was slowly dying. 

Pandora's box. The problem wasn't that he hadn't found it, on the contrary, that was precisely the case and also the source of his worries. In fact, it was quite easy to find, and it was even questionable whether Pickman really knew what it was, or whether he just considered the object as any other antique. Anyway, the box was just gathering dust in one of the many display rooms in the mansion. It was really one of the most basic and there wasn't even a security system.

The first time, the Surveyor opened the box out of curiosity. He wondered what such a strange object with mysterious powers equal to that of the Netherflower might look like inside. Unfortunately, he was quickly disappointed when he saw that there was nothing inside. It was just an empty box. However, as he looked at the object from every angle to make sure it wasn't a scam, he felt his life force being sucked towards the box, suddenly making him breathless.

What was that?

After this strange phenomenon, Eli decided to pack up for the day and return home for the evening. Nevertheless, what he was about to learn from his dear Interpol correspondent was far from pleasant. There was no way that Pandora's box was just an old empty shell and the secret it hid literally reeked of death as its name suggested.

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