Where The Kickbacks At?

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Walking through the halls of Meddison High, I felt as if I didn't belong anywhere. Part of me was glad because these kids act like animals. Some were strolling through the hall while not paying attention, checking their phones or texting their friends to see exactly where they wanted to meet up. Others were acting as if they owned the hallways, bumping whatever and whoever got in their way. I couldn't wait until this last block was over and I could head home, but it's not like things were any better there either. Being a plus size girl had my confidence at an all time low. I knew I was cute in the face with my almond shaped eyes, caramel skin, and nose piercing. However, me being plus size just seemed to outweigh all of the other great things I have to offer. Approaching my last block which is math has me glad that I go home after this. I love math but it does not love me. However, I am still passing after putting much effort into tutoring myself over the years. I walked into the partially empty classroom and took my normal seat in the back against the window. Half of the class was still either lingering around in the hallway waiting to all rush in when the bell rang or skipped off campus for an early dismissal. I pulled out my pencil and tablet ready to get this work and last couple of hours over with just as the bell rang throughout the building. Mrs. Haze, my algebra teacher went to shut the door just as what seemed to be ten kids rushed into the room. Everyone knows that you can't be late to Mrs. Haze class because she has no problem shutting the door in your face and leaving you out all class period which means being marked absent and getting a zero that she won't allow you to make up. I make sure to take my classes seriously considering I don't like this school and the people in it. Now, Mrs. Haze is cool with me. She's about the only other person I feel understands me and I can confide in.

Finally the day is over and I can get home into my comfort zone. I placed all of my items into my bag and proceeded to make my way out of class. "See you Monday Ms. Lane." Mrs. Haze said as I was making my way out of the class. I gave her a pleasant side smirk and kept moving. I was halfway down the sidewalk away from my school when I heard Simone call my name. "Tay! Girl wait up!" She said as she jogged up to catch up with me. "Girl why you walking so fast?" Simone said as she caught up with me while breathing a little too hard to say she didn't weigh that much. Now Simone was one of my genuine friends that I've had since elementary school. Simone was one to always try to get me to go out and try and convince me that I was worth just as much if not more than every other girl out there. Simone is my best friend. Simone is gorgeous with her 5'4 frame and thick yet slim in shape curves. Simone has thick black hair that reach down to her bra strap. I love my bestfriend but I feel like sometimes she can't relate to the way I feel.

"Girl it's hot, you know I don't like this school or these kids and I am ready to get home, do this homework and relax." I said to her as I picked up my pace. "Tay, it is a Friday and we don't have school until Monday. Save that homework until Sunday and come to the kickback with me tonight." Simone said as she grabbed my arm looping hers inside. "Mone, you know how I feel about that. I don't like people and besides, what am I gonna do while you move around and mingle with all of your popular friends? You know they don't like me and don't want me around cramping their shitty style." I said getting into my feelings. I quickly picked my face up to avoid Simone from seeing and having to sit through yet another one of her lectures. "Tay, first of all you're just as pretty and bomb as all of those other girls. And you know I am not gonna just run off and leave you. If they don't want you around then they don't want me around! We're a damn package deal and if they don't know that by now then fuck'em!" She said in her loud tone. I rolled my eyes and dug in my bag to grab my house keys.

Walking into my house I could tell that my mom hadn't made it home from work yet due to the quietness and the darkness. My mama worked at the local hospital and often took overtime to be able to keep affording our lifestyle. I often was home alone and taking care of myself but it wasn't always that way. My father and mama divorced when I was nine and he moved away. I call him a popcorn father because he popped up when he felt like being a father and then disappeared for awhile after that. Mama used to have a babysit come in and watch me but that stopped when I turned thirteen and was able to cook and protect myself. When money would get tight, I would often spend nights at Simone's house with her and her mom. Simone's mom and my mom became bestfriends through Simone and I so we're pretty much family now.

"Simone, I am not going to this kickback! Even if I did just want to go, I don't have anything to wear and I am not about to spend my money on nothing trying to impress these raggedy ass people." I told her while grabbing an orange and plopping down on the couch. I grabbed my phone and began scrolling through my social media but quickly put the phone down when I noticed everyone talking about this stupid ass kickback. "Simone, please! Okay, since you are so sure you don't have anything in your closet to wear, if I put something together then you must go. And If I can't put together something bomb to wear then we both stay here and have a girl's weekend just the two of us." I looked over at Simone's pleading yet determined face and broke like I always do. Hunching my shoulders, I stood up from the couch. "Okay, but only because I know for a fact that I don't have anything up there." Simone and I made our way up to my room which was pretty big and was filled with blush pink, gray, and white. I sat down on my circle swing chair, folded my legs up under me and waited for Simone to prove me right.

After what felt like two hours, Simone had an outfit laid out with shoes and accessories as well. I looked at the outfit and back at Simone. I can't deny that it was a dope outfit. The outfit consisted of a black pleated cheerleading skirt, a tshirt that said "DOPE" in red and cheetah print letters, black Jordan socks with red Jordan writing, and white and cheetah print Jordan ones. She laid my small dainty gold name necklace out with my gold rolex that my dad bought me for Christmas and some simple gold hoop earrings. I knew exactly how I needed to wear my hair and makeup with this. "Alright, I guess I'll be going" I said while Simone stood with her hip out and fake picking at her nails being boastful because she wore me down. "Alright, I'm going home to get ready and get King's car and I'll be back in about an hour and a half to pick you up." She said before grabbing her things and running out of the house. I came downstairs shortly after her to lock the door and go back to shower and do my makeup. Tonight better be lit and nobody better not step out of line or else this cuteness going down the drain real fast. 

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