Fighting For My Spot

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I watched as Tay took her fist and knocked Jordan in her mouth so hard and fast I swear Jordan's face smashed in like on the cartoons. I couldn't help but to laugh. "DAAAMMNNN." I heard a few of the other students yell as they cleared the way and watched as Tayla and Jordan threw blow after blow. Mostly Tay because Jordan was still trying to recover from the initial shock of the blow she received. "Bitch get your fat ass friend while you just standing there! And Jordan supposed to be your friend." Bianca said as she mugged me. I couldn't believe this bitch had the audacity to even address me. Everybody knew naturally not to fuck with me being King's little sister. Most of the time I handled my own situations. I only called King when it was extreme. This is one of those times that I'm about to enjoy knocking this bitch's lights out. I didn't even respond, I grabbed Bianca by her hair and slung her across the row of desk. "SHIITTT!" The class  went in an uproar again as they watched the full on brawl happening before them. At one point Jordan managed to get on top of Tay and that's when I came up and pulled her down by the top of her hair. I didn't realize how hard I grabbed her because the whole patch was now in my hand. "YOU BACKSTABBING BITCH!" Jordan yelled as Tayla came up and super punched her again. By then, the principle and several police officers were there holding Tayla and I in one corner and dragging Jordan and a half conscious Bianca out of the room. "Ya'll whooped their ass.". "Good I couldn't stand them hoes.". "I caught all that on live." Several comments filled the room. "Ladies, my office! Now!" Principle Hill said as she did a once over of the classroom giving the other students her signature look to let them know she wasn't playing. "Once we got to Principle Hill's office, Bianca was lying on the bed in the nurse's station and Jordan was sitting in the chair in the same room with a big ass ice pack on her face. Tay and I went into the office and Principle Hill closed the door. "Now Ms. Gates, you've been on a straight and narrow for awhile which I am very proud of you and Ms. Lanes you've never been in my office under these types of circumstances and considering the fact that you are top percent of the class I am totally shocked at the both of you. And further more disappointed." Principle Hill said as she looked at us from across her desk while she had her hands folded on top of her desk. "Principle Hill, I know I let you down but this is not our fault at all." Tay said as she picked with her broken nail. "Then explain to me what happened." Tay and I began to alternate with filling Principle Hill in on all of the details starting at the party and the past few weeks prior with Jordan and Bianca picking with Tayla. "I have no doubt that what you're telling me is true. Trust me, I have my ear out all around this school and you're not the first ones to inform me of the improper conduct that has been displayed by Ms. Hayse and Ms. Vasqez. However, I cannot overlook the fact that a physical altercation occurred here. You both know that this school is zero tolerance for violence and bullying. With that being said, I am going to have to send you ladies home for the next two days. I will fix your attendance and have all of your assignment made up for you by the end of the day today so you can come get them when school let out." Shit I don't know about Tayla but I wasn't tripping on taking a two day all expense paid vacation away from this place. I looked over at Tayla and her face was completely unbothered and untouched. You couldn't even tell she had been in a fight. We gave each other a look as Mrs. Hill turned to her computer to get our schedules and notify our teachers that we needed our assignments by the end of the school day. "I will also be calling your parents. It is protocol for me to notify them." That's the only part about that. Mama is out in Jamaica and I don't want to tell Mrs. Hill that because technically nobody supposed to know that mama is gone. "Uhm Mrs. Hill, my mom has been working long hours so if she doesn't pick up the phone then you can just leave a message and if it makes you feel any better, I'll give you her cell number." Mrs. Hill eyed me for a minute before eventually agreeing with a smirk. I ended up giving her King's cell number because he didn't have an answering machine set up with his voice on it so she wouldn't know. Tayla gave the number to their landline in which she could just delete the message before Ms. Lanes gets home. 

Instead of dropping Tayla off at home, she wanted to come to chill at my house so we grabbed some food and went straight there. "Girl I tried to bat that bitch face in. I can't stand her." Tayla said as we sat on my couch eating the chinese food. "Girl I can tell, I was standing there minding my business letting you handle yours but Bianca's ass just had to open her mouth." I responded before biting into my egg roll. "I just hope people don't think I was fighting over Vic because it wasn't nothing to me what she said about him. It's not like we're in a relationship." I knew Tay would never fight over a dude but I believe a little bit of that anger came from the comments Jordan made about Vic still seeing her. "I don't know Tay, I just don't think it's a good thing for you to get involved with Vic. I mean, look at the mess that you're dealing with now and like you say ya'll not even together yet." I was really hoping this would open Tay's eyes a little more and change her mind about Vic before she got too invested in him. "Monie, it's not any mess because Vic can see and sleep with whoever he want to. We're just friends and I'm just having my fun. It's time that I stepped out and did me for a change." I was glad to see her feeling herself and coming into herself but I just hate it had to be Vic that she chose to have her fun with. "Okay Tay but the first time he fucks up, I'm getting King on his ass."  I said as we both laughed. But that was short lived when I heard the door slam. "SIMONE!" King's loud voice boomed through the house as he was approaching the living area where Tayla and I were. Once he reached the living room, he looked over at Tay and quickly back at me. "What the hell is this I hear about you getting suspended from school cause you up there fighting and shit?!" He semi-yelled while looking into my soul with his now dark gray eyes. "King please don't come up in here with all of that yelling and shit cause you know I hadn't even been fighting. But when somebody get slick and start heavily disrespecting me I'm gone step and I don't apologize for it." I said as I sat up a little more cause by now, King had me hot all over again. "I understand that but you know hoes gone try you when they get mad cause they can't get no play from me or simply off of jealousy because they can't be you." I can't lie and say King didn't make sense but this wasn't even that. This shit wasn't even based on my fight or my drama. "Don't be mad at her King, it started with me." Tayla chimed in attempting to save me. King turned on his heels and was now facing her with the same stance his had with me. "And you! Why you fighting Jordan's raggedy ass anyway? Ya'll are top percent of the class and you're beautiful. Two reasons of many that those dried out hoes would be jealous of you." He said looking directly at Tayla. I cleared my throat. "Uhm nigga! You didn't tell me I was too beautiful to be fighting? What type of crap is that?" I said with a duh expression on my face. "Yeah you aight witcho ashy ass." He said as he flopped down on the couch with Tayla. They both bust out laughing while I stale faced both of them. "Yeah about as ashy as ya'll top lips." I mumbled as I went to the kitchen for something to drink.


"Yeah bout as ashy as ya'll top lips." Simone said as she went into the kitchen. Once Simone was in the kitchen slamming cabinet doors, King scooted closer to me and started kissing on my neck. "King...we gotta stop this." I said as I moved over from him. "What you mean?" He asked slouching down further into the couch and looking at me sideways. "I mean I don't want to be something that you use for a quick get off when you're around. I want to mean more to someone and I know that's not what you're looking for so just stop." I said as I got up from the couch and went upstairs being sure to grab my phone. I laid across the bed in the guest room and called Vic. "Sup ma?" He answered in his low husky voice. "Nothing, just calling to let you know that I'll be home around six tonight if you still wanted to hang out." I said twirling a piece of my hair in between my fingers. "Alright beautiful I'll see you then." He said before hanging up. I really don't see the bad person that Jordan and Bianca are trying to paint Vic out to be. I'm starting think that maybe she's just saying that to scare me away from him so he will possibly come back to her. It's not happening though, it's my turn to finally be happy in life and I'd be damned if I let a couple of water mouth hoes ruin this for me. 

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