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After leaving Simone's house, on the way to my house she kept questioning me about what was wrong and why I look so down. I just kept telling her nothing and that I was missing my mama but in reality King was on my mind. I feel like I should have never slept with King. I'm not willing to be one of his many hoes that he just dip in when he has time or when no one else is available. King keep trying to talk about that night and kiss all over me like he's really interested in me but I know better than that. On the other hand, I can't wait to see Vic. I am kinda nervous but I'm hoping that'll go away once I see him. I was currently sitting at my vanity putting the finishing touches on my make up. Vic and I decided to go out to Dave and Busters to play games and have a little childish fun. I had already showered, did my hair and moisturized my body. Now all that was left to do was put my clothes on. For tonight's outfit I decided on my olive ripped jeans, my tan adiddas shirt, camel colored jacket with my camel colored Michael Kors backpack purse, tan yeezys and my gold necklace with the cross on it. Just something light and simple for the night. I snapped a few pictures and sat on the couch scrolling through my phone while waiting for Vic. I noticed Jordan was on facebook trying to thirst trap again. Her post read "I'm bored, somebody hit me up so we can chill." I smirked and shook my head. That girl was forever running through dudes but I rarely ever spoke on it cause it wasn't none of my business. 

After about 15 minutes, the door bell rang and I popped up out of my seat ready to go. I opened it to see Vic standing there in all his tall chocolate glory. I took in his outfit which consisted of a pair of white Jordan sweat shorts which had the black Jordan logo with a hint of peach, a peach Jordan shirt with the black Jordan logo and his peach and gold Jordan ones. On his wrist sat a nice diamond encrusted gold Rolex watch, in his ear was his stud and his neck was adorned with three gold chains each in a different style. The chains sat perfectly against his buff chest considering they weren't small or big. I smile with a little blush as I noticed Vic looking me up and down most likely observing my fit like I was doing his. "Come on in, let me grab my stuff." I said as I walked away into the living room snatching up my purse and phone sticking it in my back pocket. 

In the car I was a nervous wreck. One reason being I had never been on a date before. Another being that Vic was a popular guy and for the life of me I can't understand why he wanted to be with me when he was dating Jordan and as much as I hate to admit it, she is beautiful with a nice body. Not alot of guys like Vic would chose the plus size female over one with abs and all of that so I was real skeptical about that. "What you over there thinking so hard about?" Vic asked, his deep voice breaking me out of my trance. "Oh nothing, just in my head about some things." I said as I flashed him a little smile and turned back forward. "Well I want to know." He said as he turned the radio down. "I've just....I've been wondering...what made you chose me? Like, you've always been around and seeing me but what made you notice me this time?" I asked while looking down and fidgeting with my fingers. "I mean, I don't know. It was just something about you that night at the kickback that drew my eyes to you. For one thing, you looked different. I had never seen you dress like that before and I guess that's what did it for me." I nodded my head in acceptance of his answer. I shocked a lot of people that night I'm assuming considering the fact that King suddenly picked up this sexual attraction for me. 

Moments later we were at Dave and Busters having the time of our lives together. It feels like I've been dating Vic for years. I am so comfortable around him. "Let's play this one." I said pulling Vic over to the basketball post. "Ahh girl you don't wanna see me in basketball." He said laughing as I swiped our card to start the game. I picked up a ball and attempted to throw it but I kept missing. One of the balls actually bounced back and almost hit me but Vic reached over and caught it with one hand. "You gone knock yourself out ma. Let me help you." He said as he came around the back of me and took my hand in his which was wrapped around the ball. "Alright, now bend your knees slightly and bounce up while aiming at the back board, not the hoop." I did as I was told while Vic was still pressed up against me. The ball went in making a swoosh sound and I felt so accomplished. "Yeesss. Let me find out you're a basketball star." I said turning around still in his arms while looking up at him due to him being so tall. "Something like that, but that a conversation for a later time." 

Vic and I sat down and ate a little while conversing but mostly laughing and now we were pulling up at my place. Vic came around to open my door and walked me up to the porch. "I had a great time." I said as he pulled me into his arms while smiling down at me. "Me too shorty." He said. I would be lying if I said I hadn't fallen for Vic. "You want to come in?" I asked as I unlocked the door. Vic looked down at his watch. "Yeah I can chill for a little minute but I gotta bounce in a minute." He said while following me inside the house. "Your crib is nice. Where's ya moms at?" He asked as he sat down on the couch. I sat down beside him after taking my jacket and shoes off. "She's out of town on vacation. I was supposed to hear from her today but she probably somewhere being fast." I said as we both chuckled. We sat in silence for a couple of seconds before I spoke up. "Vic, what happened with you and basketball?" I asked referencing to earlier when he told me it was a different story. Vic rubbed his hand down his face and then looked over at me. "Well, I was really good at it. I was the star player on the team until I had to quit." I nodded kind of remembering him from the few basketball games Simone drug me to. "Well after my moms passed my pops was doing really well at one point. I guess because he had time to accept that ma wasn't gonna last long due to her ongoing illness he was able to cope better so that didn't really have a toll on him. It wasn't until he started gambling and drinking that he fell off and I was forced to step up and be the man of the house. I was trying to balance everything and work but those little part time jobs didn't move much so I was forced to hustle. Once you start hustlin, it ain't no part time thing and it's definitely no room for extra shit. Eventually pops got himself back on track and was even dating but the relationships wouldn't last long and I still don't know why. Pops would disappear and all that every now and again with these women and when he come back, the woman would be gone but he would have a good amount of money. I never cared enough to look into where this money was coming from, I just accepted that this was the way he is and left it alone." Vic had my full attention with his life story. I honestly felt bad because it's like his story is mine and Simone's meshed in. Considering that we had a hard time and it was three of us to support each other, I know life has been really hard on Vic considering he's the only child. 

"Vic I am so sorry you had to go through that. I'll be here for you whenever you need me because I understand your story better than anyone else possibly can considering we have similar experiences." I told him while looking away a little. I didn't really like telling anybody my story because it brought up so many emotions. I decided to tell Vic because he confided in me. Once I was done giving him the details of my life he just shook his head. Vic pulled me on his lap in which I was now straddling him. "You got me aight. If don't nobody else got you, I do. Know that. I don't care, you're my girl now shorty." I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. Before I could stop myself I was full on making out with Vic. I felt him grab my ass in both of his hands while squeezing. I began to grind my hips as a low moan escaped his lips turning me on even more. I started to feel his member grow under me. Just as Vic went to flip us in a different position, his phone started ringing. "Shit, I gotta take this ma." He said as he got from on top of me and grabbed his phone. "Damn I forgot all about that. Aight bro I'll be over there." He said into his phone before hanging up and standing up. "I gotta roll out but I'll hit you sometime tomorrow okay" He said before bending down and placing a kiss on my lips. I palmed his face and kissed him deeply while he once again grabbed my ass. "Aye, you better stop girl before I don't be going nowhere." He said making me chuckle. "Come lock up." He said before leaving out. I did as told and then went to my room to do my nightly routine. I couldn't help but think to myself what my life is going to be like being Vic's girl. I know I'll be happy and protected with him. I have really fallen for his sexy ass. 

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