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"I can't believe Tayla tripped out like that." Simone said as we pulled into the airport. I was honestly pissed at Tayla because of how she's been acting now that she done started dating that unknown as nigga. "Man, she been trippin honestly but if that's what kinda time she on then so be it." I told Simone and dismissed the conversation. I have other things to be worried about like prepping the clique on this merge they about to hit. We were spreading out a little further than our territory and to some it may not be a big deal but you never know who toes you might step on doing that. As far as I know, the territory is unclaimed but you know how that go. "I don't like the nigga to be honest with you. I've heard alot of things about him around school King." Simone said as she turned and looked at me while we waited for mama and Ms. Lanes. "Look Monie, Tay is almost a whole grown ass woman. And as you can see from her actions today, she all caught up in that nigga so just let it ride for now." I told her already tired of the topic. "Nah I'm not just gone let it ride. She been acting out of character since she met his vienna sausage smelling ass and I just can't get past the shit I heard he was doing to Jordan when they were dating not too long ago. And then on top of that, it was already suspicious to me that he all of a sudden found some type of love interest in Tay after all those years of going to school with her and all those years he was off and on with Jordan." I felt a little offended by that last part that she said because that was kinda what I was doing to Tayla. But I really was into her. I mean I still am but I don't have time to be chasing no female that obviously didn't want to be with me. "I understand that too Monie, and if it'll make you feel any better I will check this nigga out. Other than that, you got just let things fall into play. Soon enough he will reveal true colors." Just as Simone and I finished our conversation, mama and Ms. Lanes came fast walking out of the airport with their luggage in tow. I hopped out to help them with their bags. "My babies!" Mama said as she embraced Simone and I. I went over and hugged Ms. Lanes and proceeded on to put their bags in the back of the truck. Once we were all settled in, I pulled off headed home. "I can't wait to get home to my baby. Speaking of which, why she didn't come with ya'll?" Ms. Lanes said looking from the backseat mainly at me. I told her before she left that I would be responsible for the girls so maybe that's why she's looking to me for an answer. "She went to hang with another friend. But I'll let her fill you in on those details." I said keeping it short and sweet. I didn't feel like it was my place to get into detail for detail about Tayla's new found love interest.

Moments later we were pulling up to our house and I hopped out to help Ms. Lanes take her luggage home while Simone helped mama. "Thank you so much King for the trip. It was much needed. I probably would have stayed longer if I didn't miss my girl so much, didn't have to go back to work and their graduation wasn't this week." I nodded my head as she opened the door to her house. "Well I keep telling you and mama that ya'll don't have to work anymore but it's so hard for ya'll to let people take care of ya'll for once." I said as I rolled her suitcase into the living room. "I can't let you do that King. As much as I appreciate it, you have your mom and sister to look after. I'm just bonus family." I scrunched my face up at her. "Maaan, come on nah you are not bonus family. You are real family. Most blood relatives wasn't even there for us when times got rough but you stuck right there with us and this is my way of showing you that I really appreciate and love you." I said as I grabbed her into a hug and placed a kiss on her forehead. She smiled while hugging me back tighter. "Tay must not be home?" She said as she grabbed her luggage and was headed upstairs. "Alright well I'm gonna be out. Call me if you need anything." I said as I headed towards the door. Just as I was reaching to open it, Tayla came in with her head down and looked as though she was in a hurry. She bumped into me and winced. "My fault." I said as I was preparing to walk around her but I noticed she wouldn't look up at me, why was her hair all over her head like that and why did she wince when she ran into me? I grabbed her wrist stopping her from walking further away. But when I did, she winced again. "Tay you good?" I asked her walking closer. "Y-yeah I'm fine." She said trying to creep off again and that's when I noticed that she had a pained walk. "Nah chill out. Look at me." I said stepping in front of her to where she couldn't go any further. "I said I'm good King damn." She yelled but it wasn't scaring me. "I said look at me Tayla!" I said with more bass and authority in my voice. I gently grabbed her chin and moved her hair from her face. What I saw instantly pissed me off and put me in a raging rampage. "THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE TAYLA?" I yelled totally ignoring the fact that Ms. Lanes was home. "Nothing King, I said I'm fine. I just got into a fight that's all." She said trying to shove me out of the way but obviously I wasn't moving from the little strength she did have and then she winced again. "Tayla! Hold your shirt up!" I said looking into her eyes intensely. I already knew what I was about to find but I needed to confirm before I did damage. "No King!" She yelled. "What the hell is going on down there?" Ms. Lanes said now looking over the bannister in her robe. "Oh Tay! Baby!" She smiled ear to ear rushing down the stairs. When she grabbed Tayla up to hug her, Tayla almost jumped out of her skin in pain. "OUCH!" She cried. "What the hell?" Ms. Lanes said as she released Tayla and quickly lifted her shirt up all at once. "Oh my God." She said as she covered her mouth and tears ran from her eyes. "I can't BELIEVE THIS SHIT!" I said as I walked away for a second placing my hands on the top of my head. "Who did this to my baby?" Ms. Lanes asked. "I-it's nothing mama. H-how was your trip?" Tayla said. We both looked at her like she was stupid. "Fuck the trip Tayla! Cut the bullshit and tell us who did this to you!" Ms. Lanes said clutching her robe closed with a pissed expression on her face. You could almost feel the steam and anger radiating off of both of us as Tayla sat there damn near mute. "Vic did this shit! But I'll tell you one thing, he about to be handled." I said rushing towards the door. "Please no King! Don't go do nothing stupid." Tayla hopped up as fast as her battered body would allow. "King I agree with her on that part. Don't go getting in no trouble. Now me on the other hand, I'm about to go beat some ass! Where this lil nigga stay?" Ms. Lanes said as she grabbed her keys. "I don't know but you take Tay to the emergency room to have her checked out. I'll handle this." I said before I ran out of the house with my phone to my ear. I called Simone and told her to go with Ms. Lanes. I didn't need a crew to do what I was about to, but then again I'll take them along just in case this nigga on some other shit. 

Ms. Lillian Lanes

"I can't believe this shit here." I said as I pace the floor of the emergency room as the doctor went to get Tayla's discharge papers. "I'm so sorry ma." Tayla said with tears running down her face. I quickly stopped and went over to hug her. "Baby, none of this is your fault so don't apologize for it. But you have to know that it is not okay to protect a man that will put his hands on a woman." Tayla didn't want to speak with the police about what went on and I didn't force her to. Only because King went out to try and handle things and I don't want him in any trouble. Morgan called his friends to go and stop him and they promised they would but I mean, when King gets mad like that, nobody can stop him.

Shortly after, the doctor came in and gave Tayla her discharge papers and let us go home. Thank God she didn't have anything but a couple of bruised ribs in which they gave her a prescription for her pain. When we arrived home, Morgan and Simone were still there. "Oh my God Tay are you okay? I'm going to kill him! I give you my word!" Simone said as she gently helped Tayla up the stairs. "I'm okay Monie. He's not even worth you getting in trouble." Tay said. "How is she really Lilly?" Morgan asked me as she handed me a cup of warm tea. "Physically and emotionally battered and scarred. I mean why would anyone do that to my baby? She's so sweet and loving." I said as I shook my head still pissed that I couldn't lay hands on this kid. "I know, and I can't even get in touch with King. You know he's so protective of Monie and Tay. I really hope he not out there doing nothing stupid." Morgan said as she checked her phone once again. "I'll just be glad when they are off to college and away from all of this nonsense here and King can stop doing what he's doing. "All I know is Tay is done with him. Go out of town for a few weeks and all this shit done jumped off." I said as I sat the coffee mug on the table while huffing. "Don't feel bad. They are adults now and they will run into certain situations and all we can do is be there to support them as parents. We've done all the raising we could do." Morgan said as she placed her hand on top of my giving it a little squeeze. I nodded in agreement with her.

I don't want to make it a habit writing at the ends of my chapters or whatever but I just wanted to thank everyone for tuning in so far . Also, the parents won't be having a POV much in this story. They're basically just added in background characters.

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