Meet The King

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"Aye bro, you wanna hit that lil kickback over on the south side?" Mike asked once I picked up my phone. I thought about it for a quick minute. I don't really party with those high school kids like that but I'm only a couple of years older than them so I was cool on it. Plus, a few of my boys from the block was gone be there and this was the perfect opportunity to push some work. "Yeah bro, meet me up there." I said before hanging up the phone and hopping in the shower. Thirty minutes later I was ready. I checked myself out in the body mirror on the back of my door. I wore a white shirt with Biggie on it in red and black writing, some crispy white jeans, with my black red and white Jordan twist. I threw on my silver rolex, my silver chain, and a diamond earring in my ear with my iced out grill. I brushed my hand across my soft, thick waves. Once I was finished admiring myself in the mirror, I grabbed my keys to my black on black Silverado 2500. I loved this truck cause I had it decked out and lifted. I have yet to see anyone with a whip like mine. I've taken it to a few car shows out here and won every time. I locked the door to the house putting the alarm on and I was gone.

I rolled up to this kickback and it was jumping. I parked right across the grass and hit my alarm. Everyone knew it was my ride and they know me, I mean of course I'm King Gates. Almost immediately these females started trying to hang around and hang on me to gain my attention but I wasn't stunting them. I walked into the party where that had Wakesha blasting in the place. I looked around and spotted a few of my corner boys. Giving them a simple head nod I continued on into the party spotting Mike, Romello and Wes standing in a circle chopping it up. I approached them, dapping each one of them up. "Man Marco got it packed in here." Romello said while looking around observing his surroundings. That's one thing about my crew, it was hard to get close to us or take us by surprise due to us being so aware of our surroundings. "Man, I only came to make sure the clique doing what need to be done and then I'm gone bounce out in a minute." I said watching one of my protégé's work their magic. I didn't call my workers workers or corner boys. The name I gave for the group is The Clique and each one of them are my protégé's. I'm only grooming them to branch out and start their own shit. Once they branch off, I'll be their plug and they can only buy their supply from me. I also get a certain percentage of their proceeds from their business. That's how I was brought up in the game and I have to keep the chain going.

As promised, I only stayed at the party for a little while. I made sure to tellThe Clique we had a collection meeting tomorrow and I got a little roll up froma few shorties in the spot. Walking out of the party I looked up and spottedSimone talking to some dude and not too far in the distance I noticed my car inwhich Tay was sitting on her phone. I contemplated on ruining Simone's game shewas spitting or shall I say ole dude was trying to spit to her. Smiling tomyself, I walked over and threw my arm around Simone's shoulders. Lil dude eyesbucked as he began to slowly back away. "King, what up ma dude? I was justspeaking to your sister but I'm about to be out." He started to explain beforeI could even say anything. Simone's face went sour as she crossed her armsacross her and shrugged me off as her friend walked away. "Why the fuck you dothat shit all the time? You don't ever see me cockblocking you and all youritchy coochie hoes." She said as we headed towards the car. Once we approached the car, Tay jumped out and ran into me like always. "KIIIINNNNGG!" She screamed as she ran into my arms burying her face into my chest. All I could do was chuckle remembering how she would always give me the same greeting since we were little. But I hugged her a little tighter because it's been awhile since I've seen her. "Tay! When you gone stop this shit girl?" I said while laughing. "Girl. You greet him like his raggedy ass a celebrity or something." Simone said as she rolled her eyes. "Hater much." Tay said while releasing me. "It's been a minute since I've seen you." Tay said as she stepped back a little but still holding that big grin across her face. I noticed her fit and knew then that Simone must have dressed her considering Tay normally wear jeans and tshirts with hoodies and shit like that. She has a banging body but for some reason, she hardly ever shows it off. "I see you trying to match my fly." I said noticing how we were dressed alike. Only difference is, she had cheetah print incorporated into her outfit. "Let me get a picture of ya'll lame asses. I must admit, ya'll are cute or whatever." Simone said as she came around the car with her phone up. Once Simone snapped the picture, I opened the door for Tay and then went around to open Simone's. I can be a gentle thug when I want to be. "Alright na Monie, ya'll go home cause these fools been drinking and about to be out here driving stupid and I would hate to have to light the city up if something happen to ya'll." I said as she nodded and I watched her pull away safely. On the drive home I couldn't shake the image of Tayla out of my head. I've been around her all my life and she's always been beautiful with a nice body, but it was something about the way she looked tonight that got to me. Maybe it's the drinks I had or the little bit of weed I smoked that's got me in my feelings. I shook the thought out of my head and pulled into the driveway noticing an unknown car parked in my spot as well as my mama car letting me know that this had to have been someone she knows. But it's late as hell and considering that I paid for this house, I feel a little disrespected. Hopping out of my truck, I made sure to hit the locks before creeping into the house. I didn't get too far in before I heard screaming from mama and some unknown man voice. "Oh hell the fuck nah" I said to myself before rushing in just in time to see mama with a knife to some man throat. I didn't focus in on the details of him right away because I noticed mama with a black eye and bloody nose. Dude may as well start praying now cause he not making it out of here alive tonight. 

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