Legendary 15:

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(Jane's Point Of View)

"That is all for today. Students of Del Valle High, you may now go to your respective class rooms and have your lunch. Thank you, you may now all go," our new principal said.

Yes, NEW but TEMPORARY Principal. Why? Well, particularly HE, yes he, is the son of our Principal. The Principal said she would like to train her son to be a 'perfect' -- how perfectionist to her son -- leader. -3-

"Oui! Après deux heures de l'enfer! Le moment de la libération est ici!" Red shouted all of a sudden that made everyone -- I mean EVERYONE -- stopped. (Yes! After 2 hours of hell! The time of release is here!)

"What did you say Mr. Jade?"



"Miss Solo, what did Mr. Jade say?" the Principal speaking to me.

"H-he said 'Y-yes! Finally it's b-break time! I'm so hungry!' Yeah. Yeah that is what he said, ma'm," I said with a bit nervous smile. Ghad! Why did he said that? This isn't their territory!

Our Principal is so scary you know! This is the first time I encountered this! Just because of him! She punishes students so hard! Like for example, a guy didn't follow one rule. You will be in hell. Like for the whole day, you will walk around te school with a poster on your back 'I'm a gay' and then every dismissal time you will need to clean the opposite comfort room of your gender (Ex. your a guy - need to clean the girls' CR. your a girl - need to clean the boys' CR). And that will happen for the whole 2 WEEKS, except when there are visitors of course. And when you don't follow the sequence, D.O. or K.O. for you. Yes, D.O. as in Drop Out and K.O. as in Kick Out. I know for you it is not scary or something but for us students it is because there will be twists. You don't know what is it, when is it, how you will avoid it, where it will happen, why that twist is given to you, and who will affect it!

Okay I'm being dramatic or something here. But I'm serious. Those things will happen to you when the principal doesn't like your acts and attitudes and if you didn't follow the sequence given to you.

"Is that so? Hmmm... okay you may go," and everyone get back to their own business.


I will really get in to any kind of trouble if I'm with this three idiots, I'll make an exception for War. I think, he's a good guy, not like his cousins. Wait? Are the three of them really cousins? The three of them don't look connected.

Back to reality!

"Pourquoi diable, Red? Pourquoi diable avez-vous dit?" I asked with my calm voice yet it is still noticed that I'm lecturing him. (What the heck, Red? Why the hell did you say that?)

"Quel est le problème avec ce que je ai dit?" he asked, scratching his nape. (What's wrong with what I said?)

"Tout!" I almost shouted at him. (Everything!) "Geez..." I sighed in frustration. Why is he an idiot?! Ghad!

I clicked my tongue in my mouth resulting a loud 'tsk'. And told them to just follow me. But this Vara keeps clinging on Martin's arms.


I lead the way to the canteen. I wanted to leave them all alone after I drop them in but I remembered that they can't -- I mean they are ACTING that they can't speak in English but understands it. So it means that I can't leave them YET.

I don't want to be fake or plastic or what. I just want to be honest, true. And that is I want to leave them right where they are standing. But I can feel the teachers are watching on every move I -- WE are doing. Like I'm being observed or something like that. I don't know. But I felt being watched by somebody. Geez I hate being watched, I'm not scare though its giving me goosebumps and feelings I don't like. -_-

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