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Hey yo Nerdsters!

I'm very very sorry I didn't update for a week or two now?

Ah~ it's a bit frustrating... My parents told me to stop touching my gadgets for a week or two. Well, because I got a bad eye sight (I'm near-sighted). And this year my lenses got high again but the doctor said its good that my astigmatism is removed.

Anyway, about the dedication...

Just write the comment below

"Please dedicate (your wattpad name) in (What Legendary Chapter you want to be dedicated)"

And if you have any message or letter to me just write it with your comment.

Thank you guys!

First comment, you deserve it. XD (I just made this phrase up :P)

First come, first serve~


Oh... Anyway, today's my birthday today! Haha! Happy Birthday to me! XD

Sorry if I haven't updated for so long ~~

I think I'll update tomorrow. I can't promise, guys. I need to get my friends at the airport until Sunday. Yah, they are going separately. Dunno to them~ -_-

Haha! 'Til next time!

Love lots!


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