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The next morning went better than anticipated. Once Juniper had woken up she found herself surrounded by mounds of damp blankets and her skin was slick with sweat. Her hair had been no better; it stuck up in awkward spikes and the curls were out of place on her head. 

It was nothing that a quick shower couldn't fix.

After all, today was the day she would play Quidditch for the first time in weeks. Sure, she had been flying on her broom of few occasions during the weeks at home, all of which were timed perfectly to when she was home alone or her parents were so occupied with work or 'important affairs' that they simply could not afford the time to glance in her direction. 

There was one occasion where she had thought the coast was clear and pulled the broom from underneath her bed and left from her window as she was too excited to run down the stairs. Plus, she couldn't afford the minutes of navigating through the halls to avoid loose-lipped house elves.

And, before she knew it, the back doors were gust open and out stepped some of the most prestigious purebloods that she had seen. The Malfoy family, the Carrows, The Hallows, and many more that she had yet to be introduced to, all followed in her mother and fathers pursuit into the garden. 

At first, June was so confounded by the presence of the prestige witches and wizards that she didn't even consider as to why they would be at her home, let alone in her garden that her parents hadn't entered in years. She quickly hid behind the density of the trees to carefully watch them walk along the paths and up to the large marble statue of a Hawk that centred the grass and dried flower beds. Her father looked both ways before revealing his wand and pressing it to the stone base of the statue.

And then a door opened.

And then they were gone.

And then the door closed.

Juniper was so confused and bewildered by what she had just witnessed that she lost control of her broom and fell to the forest floor that was thankfully padded with leaves. She later had to cover up her scratches from the fall as injures from her 'run' earlier that morning and had to disguise her absence as a impromptu trip to Hogsmeade where she was picking up a few last items for her next year at Hogwarts.

In fact she became to preoccupied with wanting to witness what she had witnessed again that she hadn't pulled out her broom once again for the rest of the holidays.  

But even the restless night could keep June from running with open arms to that Quidditch pitch in the morning. She showered, dressed and brushed her hair quicker than she ever had before, all before anyone else in her dormitory had even opened their eyes.

"And just what do you think you're doing up this early on a Tuesday morning, Ms Hawk?" a voice called from the corridor as soon as she closed the dorm door behind her.

"Louisa! You frightened me!" she pressed a hand to her chest dramatically to hide that, she had in fact, been frightened.

Louisa's smile only brightened. "Well, this will be my last First Tuesday at Hogwarts so I wanted to make the most of the day with an early start."

The First Tuesday was a welcome day for all Hogwarts students. It was a day where the First Years were the only students with classes so they could settle in without the stress of having to bump into the older years who were prone to bullying and teasing. And it gave the older years a day to gain house points by volunteering to be guides, catch up on the summer reading they didn't do or catch up with friends.

𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒, oliver woodWhere stories live. Discover now