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The weeks rushed by. June had lessons and practice to keep her busy, she barely had time to notice that she wasn't sleeping and eating how she used to. All the free time she did have, was spent helping Louisa juggle her many duties; hosting study sessions, patrolling the halls or herding first years away from the Dark Forest. She even managed to sneak away once or twice down to Hagrid's Hut where Oliver would be waiting with the bludger and a bat.

And, as the weeks rushed by, the first game of the year was up. Dressed in her freshly ironed Quidditch uniform, June sat with her butt firmly parked on the bench. The whole school was cheering, the stands divided in cheers for Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Banners were hung between the stands and flags were waved.

As both teams flew onto the pitch, she couldn't help but think that it should be her. It should be her up there. It should be her leading the team. 

But it wasn't.

She was benched.

Juniper was just surprised that nobody had been down to rub it in her face-

"Well, well, well," his cocky voice somehow managed to be louder than the cheers. He didn't dare sit on the Slytherin bench, he would never stoop so low. "What do we have here? I didn't realise that seat warmers were so advanced these days. Do you fill their bottles and wipe their heads, too? Maybe I should invest."

"Ah, yes. I forgot that you Gryffindorks are incapable of doing anything for yourselves! Don't think that I haven't seen your newest recruits buying their homework from the Ravenclaws," she chirped. Her head didn't move; chin resting on her hand. It seemed redundant to even wear her uniform, even more so to have ironed it, and bring her broom. She knew that she wasn't going to be moving at all.

The whistle sounded throughout the stadium as the players began whizzing around and chasing their respective balls.

"Do you not have any other girls to harass or have you run out of victims already? Barely a month into the school year, is that a new record?"

Oliver chuckled a deep chuckle. "Victims? I call them my lovers. Or is that what they call themselves?"

June groaned as the Slytherin players dropped the quaffle, making the Ravenclaw chaser score a point. "I told Flint to watch his left." June stopped herself, knowing that she was revealing secrets to her competitor.

Oliver tapped the side of his head, "Thanks for that. Anything else you want to give up willingly?"

Juniper ignored his remarks as she continued to watch the game. She could barely stand still, her legs shaking and teeth biting at the skin around her fingernails. Mathias Drake, their keeper, wasn't paying attention at all, trying to flirt with the Slytherin girls in the closest stand. "Absolutely ridiculous," she whispered. The only player that was doing the team any justice was Avan Crocket, her replacement. The very player that she secretly hoped would be their downfall. 

A throat cleared behind them, only then did Juniper turn. 

There stood McGonagall, her hair pulled back into a tight bun and her glasses resting half way down her nose. "Wood, shouldn't you be with the rest of your team in the stands? Someone needs to be watching those Weasley boys. I will not have them cursing, hexing or agitating any more students today."

Oliver surrendered his hands. "I was just checking out the competition. Didn't find much."

Juniper bit back her remark out of respect for McGonagall; it was not going to be a PG comment. 

𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒, oliver woodWhere stories live. Discover now