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Returning back to Hogwarts after her summer break was tiresome to say the least. The train journey for her first year was the only time she had ever enjoyed travelling from her home; before they had been sorted into their houses. But now they all had labels. Perhaps the strongest one being a Slytherin.

June's house was notorious for being selfish and vindictive, when in reality that was just the stereotype brought upon them by the lowest of their house. Like the rest of her fellow house mates, she was ambitious and cunning, she didn't want to have to be sly and vindictive.

That was why Juniper went most of her time alone to avoid being something she wasn't. That meant she could study, work and more importantly train for Quidditch. Her current highest ambition was to be the captain of the Slytherin team at Hogwarts, and then even going to compete in the World Cup and win. Not a single student or professor doubted that the Hawk girl could make it one day, she was talented. 

But as she sat alone at her house's table in the Great Hall for one of the most grand meals of the school year, she started to become doubtful of her own skill. Sure, her fondest memories were those of her flying through the skies or competing against the other teams. But how far could she get without becoming such a disappointment to her family?

Loud chatter still echoed throughout the hall as each student waited for the arrival of the first years so they could be sorted into their appropriate houses. The thought itself was chilling, if only she had pushed harder when the Sorting Hat sat upon her blonde curls and urged it to let her be in any other than the one she was currently in. At least the disappointment would have started earlier for her family than her fourth year of school where she was forced to fake her plans for the future to please her parents and older siblings.

"I can't do this anymore," a girl confessed and planted herself right beside Juniper to break the girl from her thoughts, "I have watched you for over three years sit at this table and not say a word. Your expression alone is such a mood killer, in a few minutes we are going to be sitting across from a display of food so exquisite that my mouth is already watering. Yet, you look like you would rather be six feet under than here."

June could only think about how upfront the girl was to even think of her name, though the girl already knew she was muggle-born due to all the rumours following the girl through the corridors. But not even the harsh words could stop her from becoming Prefect and one of the top students in multiple classes like Herboligy and Ghoul Studies.

"Uh-" she muttered in complete disbelief at the confrontation.

"You can't deny it, Ms Hawk," Louisa smirked and pushed her dark hair behind her with intent, "You would rather be literally dead than in this room, am I right or am I right?"

"I was rather enjoying my own company-" she started only for the other girl to perk up her brow with suspicion, "Okay, you're right."

The words seemed to light up Louisa's face as she offered her hand out to Juniper, "Louisa O'Lance. I would apologise for my being abrupt but honestly, I have waited four years to say that and I didn't feel like spending my last sorting feast at Hogwarts sat across from such a mood damper."

"No offence taken?" June scoffed and let her own eyebrows rise on her head with question leaving her expression.

"Well, I think we just became best friends."

𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒, oliver woodWhere stories live. Discover now