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Oliver continued to glance at June, his dark eyes eyeing her up and down and he wasn't secretive about it either. He too realised how she had changed over the few weeks since he last set eyes on her as they departed on the Hogwarts Express. Her blonde curls now reached an inch lower, her cheeks more chiselled than ever but her emerald eyes appeared to be a shade or two darker if that was even possible.

"I'll see you in the common room?" Ebony, the girl who had managed to free herself from under the Quidditch player's arm, asked before turning and making her way towards the Fat Lady painting with a group of her fellow house mates.

Oliver nodded her way before all his attention was back on the Slytherin. "You just couldn't wait to see me on the field and decided to seek me out? I thought you were a Chaser and not a Seeker."

"And you're obviously not a Keeper," she smirked. Oh how she smirked. It was such a peculiar thing to see, how someone with such venomous eyes could look so much more vindictive with just a tug of her lips.

"Touche," he remarked and neared her, "I would ask how your summer break was but I got enough from Rita Skeeter's article. 'The Hawks flee their nest'."

Oliver waved his arms dramatically above him as he recited the name of the article that she had tried so hard to forget about, she hoped everyone else had too. It was a good possibility that most people had forgotten seeing as it had been published within the second week of their break and she hadn't received more than two or three worried looks from parents in Diagon Alley.

"Ha, ha," June gave little indication that she wished to carry on the conversation, or at least the topic of her summer. She had no desire to even think about her parents and what she had endured at their expense, "How about your little team of Gryffindorks, finally found out how to properly play Quidditch?"

"Ooh, don't let Percy hear you use that language before he takes ten house points from Slytherin for 'foul language'," Wood remarked and went back to leaning against the walls, "Well, with our new Captain I am sure that you lot will be toast."

Sometimes the best way to retaliate or get on someone's nerves was without words but through subtle actions. So she did just that, a small grin jumping around on her lips

"Didn't you get the heads up? I'm the new Gryffindor Captain," the words left his lips in the form of a knife in her back. Just the statement alone was enough to ensure that her year was going to be ruined and her hope was burned out. A Quidditch glove tightened around the Golden Snitch in her heart to stop the fluttering of the wings.

It hurt. It hurt to hear that somebody had managed to achieve what she had spent years dreaming about. Hell, she knew that Oliver was just as good of a player as she was but he had never had to fight to be seen as an equal on his team. It was constantly one step forward and two steps back for the girl, but it seemed that Oliver had the whole path layed out of him.

"Didn't you get the heads up? I don't give a-" once again she was caught by something - a noise this time, more specifically a cough. Closing her eyes and assuming the worst, that being that a Professor was standing behind her and ready to give her a weeks worth of detention on the first day of the school year, she turned.

Louisa O'Lance stood still with her arms crossed over her chest and a scowl on her face, "Wood, of course it's you causing this commotion in the hallway and harassing my dear friend Juniper Hawk."

𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒, oliver woodWhere stories live. Discover now