The Thing About Indian Girls

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My last post at was about the behavior of society with girls when it comes to marriage. Now, what I want to do is rant basically on what it's like to be a girl in India. Now this is not the incredibly philosophical struggle. But it is struggle.
Cue the music.



Now, studies carry a paradoxical nature in India. On one hand, girls are not allowed to study. On the other, and I am saying this for most of the upper middle class and largely middle class families, they are supposed to excel in everything. I am not sure if you enquired this, but if you want to pursue an education you must have an above average grade. That's absolutely necessary. It's like below ninety will not be acceptable.

Okay, though, you love your parents. So you start studying and you get say, second rank. But your parents say you should get first rank. Like... I got second rank. But there is you could've done better. Fine. You get first rank.

So next comes... You scored only an eighty on this subject.

*raises eyebrow*

Honestly? HONESTLY?
Are you freaking serious?

That just reminds me and it may be completely random but what is with these Engineering people? I mean, Arts and Commerce and Medical students study, too. But these Engineering people are like, 'No time, got tests. Always!'

Same goes with my best friend who is doing Architecture.

Either the stream is eating students alive or I'm surrounded by nerds who decided to be nerdy in college.

Tick your pick.

Apparently they are so... You get good grades in that subject.

But your parents are not satisfied. Now you talk a lot on your phone.

Fine... You can manage to cut down the chatting. No biggie.

Then you will just be reminded that you wake up too late.

I'll quote my mom.

"I seem to have a missing daughter," She randomly said one day as I woke up around 10 (?) I'm not sure, "My daughter used to wake up at 5:30 A.M."

And ya Ma, your daughter used to have Morning school.

But still, to appease our parents we wake up early.

And then comes the most annoying part...

"Learn cooking..."

The horror.

Why should I learn cooking?
One may ask.

When you go to the other house (your in laws/husband's house) you'll have to cook.

Dear parents, do answer...
'If we were supposed to just cook then why make us study?!'

Note: I know the importance of education and everyone should be educated academically and even know how to cook. Even boys should know how to cook. Personally, I like guys who can cook. It's kinda attractive, don't you think?

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