The Thing About Love and Couples

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Enough said. Don't you think?

Let me clarify something for you... I am all for romance and love and support  and care and all that comes down the road. I am all ready for the fights, the misunderstanding, and other negativities that will come along. Cause lets face it, if fights are between two individuals who truly love each other... Their love will only go stronger once the misunderstandings are cleared.

But what I am not ready for is the unnecessary drama which I guess couples around my age participate in.

Age range? 16-21 for a good measure.

So, here we go...

The drama I have seen in the lives of these couples is completely and utterly unnecessary.

Mostly these couples are living  off of their parents money till they graduate and do not have the bills to pay responsibility.

Neither do they have any jobs.

Nor do they have any brains. Just kidding.

So, yeah, this is not a stereotype, blah blah and I have just observed it with my friends and it must be just that, blah blah.

So these are the reasons why these couples have problems.

1. Super High Expectations: Reaching mount Everest to be honest. They have seriously, seriously freaking high expectations. Notice what the age range is? Cool. Keep it in mind as we go on. So, girls have these crazy shit experiences from their boyfriends. Date every weekend, be mature and stuff and seriously, they had this weird obsession that they should turn off the xbox or PS or any game for them. Nope. That doesn't happen if you're dating a gamer. Plus, they are essentially boys! Not men. That's a truth every high schooler and even College student dating should understand.

Say to me names like Peeta, Gale and Augustus Waters, Harry and Ron and others. I have a one word reply to you: Conflicts.

You don't want a life like Katniss even if it gives Peeta, trust me. And no, cancer is not something you wish upon anyone. One of my family members had it, and I know the struggle. So trust me when I say, Augustus Waters is not worth it.

Apart from the fictional references, let's face the facts and try to live in reality, everyone of us has some internal conflicts going on and you might even say that this is a time around my prince charming dressed in sneakers could come along and make life worth living.

Some of you might get him. Many of you might not. So, instead of waiting for him, get up and make life worth living. He is probably stuck in a traffic jam.

But... My point remains is that many of us don't have the experience to be wise, understanding and resources to show extremely loving gestures, most of the time that would mean a trip to movies or Cafe Coffee Day or McDonald's. And learn to be happy with it. Don't demand him for more than he can give. The gestures should be voluntary and not a duty he has to perform. Seriously, it would suck if that was the situation.

2. You Cannot Have A Social life: Plus, guys, well, even girls should stop being possessive. Your boyfriend or girlfriend had family and other friends before you came along. So, it is perfectly acceptable for them to go out with them when you're not around or busy. They will have friends to hang out with. For God's sake don't interrupt the all boys' night.

3. Stalking: This is sort of related to the above reason. Whenever you let your bf or gf out, you stalk them. He bunks a class and you wanna know where was he. Look here, this Christian Grey behaviour is not at all flattering in real life well, unless you have money like Christian Grey. Then too you never know whether it's you or it's the money they are after. I mean, 50 Shades of Grey was actually several shades of f*cked up, pardon my language, I meant... well you know exactly what I meant. I meant that no stalking. Seriously, show some trust in the bloke or girl you're dating. You claim you love her, don't you? Plus, it is basic human Psychology, due to your constant stalking they will start thinking that you don't even trust him and a relationship should be based on trust.

4. Not Conversing: Here, you have problems, and what is the first approach towards it? Let's not just talk about it and rant it to your common friends, or friends in general. And let the frustration build up till you blow up and have a major fight and then the circle goes on again. 

Gosh, spare me the bull shit. 

But no one does. I have basically become the punching bag for my friends in relationship. And I am single! Like never been a relationship single! Why the heck or how the heck should I advice you?

I sounded like a relationship counsellor in this rant for sure. 

But seriously, do one thing, get your shit together and remember the fact that your friends as much as they love you at a point will get tired of your relationship drama. Stop mind-reading and thinking that talking will blow things out of proportion. 

It is your not talking that will do that!

Or is it just my trait to TALK ABOUT IT!

Okay, so, here we go. 

Let's just end it here... 

Cause, I don't wanna sound like a love guru or a shrink. 

What is your mantra for love?



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