The Thing about Spectacles

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So... This is going to be a short one. And it's gonna be about something that bothers me a lot. Guessed it right, spectacles.

I dedicate this to QuirkyKatana who basically inspired this whole post. And if you have time check out her stories. Snarky Indian is amazing *that heart-eyed smiley whose name I do not know and don't know how to put it in here* I know I promised it to be sooner *shame face* but well, life *cough* procrastination *cough* got in the way.

So specs.

You see statistically speaking, 6 out of 10 people wear glasses. So, I know that this post is going to be really, really relateable, unlike my previous posts which have been of Indian origin.

So I am really bad at making lists, but here I have 7 problems everyone with specs will instantly relate to... Or at least I hope so. 7? Why April? Why 7? Because there were 7 Harry Potter books. Period.

So here you go!

1)You are practically blind when you wake up

Okay, I know this one totally depends on the prescription number, but seriously, when I wake up its so blurry, and it's dark, it really takes time to get a hang of yourself.

I mean I always drop things from my dressing table (which is right next to my bed) because I wake up flailing and trying to feel up my glasses so I am back to High Definition view of the world from 144 pixels.

2)They never stay in one place

The first thing I wondered when reading Harry Potter after I got my glasses, is how the heck he keeps them on it's place whele flying a broom?

I can't drive my moped without them slipping down my nose. I have them fitted and stuff, but it never works. They always slip down my nose are askew.

3)Everyone wants to try your glasses

Annoying. No, really. I did it when I didn't have glasses, but now, it's just plain annoying. Everyone. From your cousin to your best friend to the random stranger you met in the party, everyone is so interested in trying on your glasses. And proclaiming they look better in the glasses.

*Raised eyebrows, pursed lips, annoyed face*

"Can I try your glasses?"

And then they show it twenty other people, till then a headache starts, because you are watching YouTube in 144 pixels. Seriously. Not worth it.

5)Cooking is not for you

Seriously, it isn't. Have you tried your hand at cooking with your glasses on? If you have then you will know the irritation when this happens.

I am making a soup, I have looked up the recipe on the internet and have all the ingredients, cried while chopping onions, and mixed it all up. Now, the mixture is boiling, nice smell comes out of the bowl, and now, I want to check if the soup is the right shade, so I just lean in to see. And boom! Fogged glasses.

This even happens with a hot cup of tea or coffee. Just can't do it.

6)"You'll look pretty without your glasses"

Seriously? Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Like, seriously?

Just shut up dude.

Just shut up.

And listen to me, I am not whipping off my glasses just to look pretty. (Yes, I may wear contacts, but that's when I want to look pretty) And you can't seriously expect us to wear glasses 24/7 just to look pretty. It's like wearing a dress 24/7, or wearing jeans 24/7... Nah, man, you change to track pants and sweat shirts as soon as you reach home.

You wan't this booty? Well, deal with four eyes.

-- Extra Here--

Okay. I could not help but make a reference about how Indian mother-in-laws and husbands demand girls without glasses... Well, booyah! I have even been suggested to get a eye-correction surgery by some assholes.

So I do this thing. I have these really huge, nerdy glasses. You know not the smart metallic frames, or even the cute black frames. But the kind of frames old people wear? I wear them in front of these people.

Get beyond the glasses and see me.


I don't know if you wear them or not. But I do, and heck, wearing them is such a big mess. When I first put them on, it was like a constant disturbance in my eyes. It still is. Like there is this dust particle in your eye, that you can't remove. Ironically, you put it in your eye. And then everyone is like, "Oh, you're wearing contacts" and I wanna say, "No. I just met an alien who corrected my eyes. Miracle" Yeah. no. But seriously, my eyes get so dry when I wear contacts, and as much as taxing task wearing contacts is, removing them is not something I wanna do. Because I do look pretty, my eyes are bigger, and they are actually visible. And you can actually see the cat eye I took fifteen minutes to perfectly apply (after about twenty tries) So zhap, I don't wanna remove them now. And the more you keep it in your eye, the more it burns. But you still keep it.

I have a love and hate relationship with my contacts, even though they emphasize my brown eyes and make it look hazel, I have no idea how, but they are tough things to wear. And I hate them, but I still love them.

So what are your spec peeves? Comment below. And if you liked the list made by me... hit that star. Reach for the stars people.


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