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He pulled us apart so he could see if I was still crying.  I had stopped and just enjoyed being in his arms. 

"I'm sorry" I said into his shoulder.

"Why are you sorry? I was the one that didn't tell you about who I really was."

"I was the one who overreacted and made it into something it shouldn't have been. It almost tore us apart. Trust is huge with me. Its one of the most important things to me. "

"I know and I promise no more lies. For now on I will tell you the truth about everything."

He kissed my forehead. Then went lower to my lips. I had missed his kisses so much. Even though we had only kissed once on the lips. It was like a drug, so addicting I didn't want him to stop. 

Someone walked in and made a purpose cough to get our attention. 

"Hey Daff.... This is Alex." He motioned to me. I waved hi but he just stood there motionless. I was starting to be scared until he burst out laughing.

"I'm kidding. Hey whats up? I'm Daff. Felix you have to get back out there. They want an encore."

"OK, I'll be out in a sec."

We kissed one last time and we walked out to the stage. We parted and I came to my spot in the font with Savannah. 

They played 97 Ways. I could see Felix winking at me and singing to me at times. The song was amazing. Sadly it was the last one they did for the night. Savannah and I meet them backstage. I gave them all a big hug, congratulating them on how amazing they were. 

I asked Savannah if I could stay with the guys and come back with them later. She was ok with it. 

The boys picked out this great restaurant for us to have lunch. I sat next to Felix and Oscar, OG and Omar were across from us. I had gotten really close with the guys that day. Especially OG. He reminded me of my little brother, Ethan, even though he was like 6 years older than him. I could tell Felix was getting jealous so I snuggled up next to him and kissed his check. He felt better I could tell. He put his arm around me and we all sat there laughing at Omar's corky jokes, OG's impressions, Oscar's nostril flaring, and Felix's hat tricks. 

Th waitress came and took our order. Felix and Oscar got a grill cheese with french fries, Omar and OG both got mac n cheese, and I got a cheeseburger with fries. 

The waitress came back a few minutes later with our order. The boys all tried to steal my fries. We all laughed because I was left with one. They gave them all back though we ate our meal. 

We all went to this plaza and looked in a a few stores. Felix got another  , Omar and Oscar got some candy and sodas, and OG and I just laughed at the guys. 

We finally returned to the ship. We all head to the TEEN CLUB to play video games and listen to music.  Oscar was DJ. Omar and I played Call of Duty Black Ops while Felix and OG just sat and talked. I could hear them every one and again talking about me but I was so focused on defeating Omar that I didn't pay much attention. 

Oscar played one of their songs, All Around the World. They all got up and started dancing. I just sat there on the bean bag and laughed at them. After the second verse the guys pulled me up and started teaching me the choreography. Thankfully we were the only ones there so no one could see how bad I was. But I actually picked up on the choreography and soon enough I could go the same pace as them.

They played more of their songs and taught me the choreography.  I had learned teh choreography to All Around the World, Troublemaker, and Link Up. 

It started ot get late and we all had to get ready for dinner. We had all decided to bail on our parents and go to the cafeteria to pig out on whatever there was. Felix walked me back to my room, while the others changed their clothes. We all agreed to meet up in a half an hour. Felix came into the room with me. We were all by ourselves. I put down my bag and started to take of fmy jacket when Felix came up behind me and started to take it off for me. He threw it on the chair and started to kiss my neck. I turned around and started to kiss him and kiss him and kiss him. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He brought me over to the bed.....

just this once (Felix sandman fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now