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*"Hey are you awake? I need to talk to you."
He sat and waited for a response.
R:*"oh hi."
R:*"start talking. Or are you just bullshitting rn?"
L:*"listen, I can explain why I broke that promise, okay?"
R:*"explain then."
L:*"I was a dumb kid, I got to caught up in the excitement of new things and didn't think about how I would affect you, and im sorry. It wasn't right, I gave you my word and I broke it. I take full responsibility for that, but I don't wanna cut ties forever. But you haven't been perfect either. And I should've realized how low you thought of yourself sooner..."

Blanky staring at the screen he watches the message go from sent to read. And eventually watch rekis typing bubble pop up.

R:*"I needed time to think, sorry. But here. I'll answer you now."
R:*"I get you didn't mean to hurt me, but it hurt. And maybe I think everyone's better than me because they are. Anyways, I don't forgive you but I'm willing to try to 'un-cut ties' at least for a bit. I'm going to bed now."
L:*"okay, goodnight!"
     Read 10:43 P.M.

It was tiny, but it was enough. And it was a start. Slowly putting his phone down langa drifted off to sleep. Much easier than the nights prior.

《Bad Matches And Broken Promises》- A Renga Angst Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now