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TW: arguing/fighting, guilt tripping, ect.

The next few days go like normal. Until reki kinda just, ghosts langa.

L:*"Reki. Answer me. Hello?"
     Read 4:00 P.M.

       Read 5:00 P.M.

L:*"Good night reki <3"
      Read 11:30 P.M.

Langa walks into the reasturant the next day and waves to his friends. "Langa, are you okay?" Miya asks with a concerned tone in his voice. "Yeah. Just some boy problems." "You mean reki problems?" "Yeah..." Joe and cherry sigh in unison. "What happend kid?" "He just kinda...ghosted me. He won't talk to me." "Go to his house and dameand an explanation." Miya half jokes. "I know your kidding, but I was kinda half planning on it."

Which is exactly what he did, kind of. He did go to rekis dorm, and went to knock on the door, which opened on its own when he pressed his hand down on it. "Reki." "Oh." Langa slowly walks in, properly shutting the door behind him. "Why are you ignoring me?" "We've been getting to close. It's scaring me." "Well not everything's about you..." "excuse me-!" "You heard me." "What do you mean." "I mean did you ever stop to think that maybe I have feelings to!? That maybe it makes me feel like shit when your constantly being two sided and getting annoyed with me for no reason!?" "Well maybe you can acknowledge that getting close again SCARES ME." "WELL YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT!?" "Yeah! Because maybe I don't owe anyone, especially not you, any kind of explanation!?" "Excuse me- last time I checked you said you loved me!? Shouldn't you have that simple baseline of trust with someone you love-" "dunno. Maybe I just don't care about your feelings according to you. Is that what you wanna hear? Or if you just came to scream at me then get out." "Reki..." WHAT." "I-I Just don't wanna completely cut ties...a-again..." "Oh yeah- well maybe I do!?!" "...im sorry." "Okay? Do you want me to do something about that? If your sorry than leave and don't fucking come back." "...have a nice day." Langa slowly turns around, walking out and shutting the door.

Once he gets back home he waves at his mom before quickly walking up to his room, dropping to the floor, and sobbing. "What happend reki...was it me? Is it my fault..." he takes a few shaky breaths before grabbing his phone and opening his group chat.

Langa:*"So reki said he wants nothing to do with me anymore."
Joe:*"langa..I'm so sorry. Please know me and kaoru are here if you need to talk, okay?"
Langa:*"I'm fine I guess. I'm just a dumbsss who got my hopes up way to high for someone who probably hated me this whole time anyways."

《Bad Matches And Broken Promises》- A Renga Angst Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now