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TW: s*lf h*rm

A few days later, langa wakes up to some messages from reki.

R:*"Hey. Im not ignoring you if I don't talk. Im not feeling up to it rn."
L:*"Thats alright <3 if you need someone there I can come over?"
R:*"dont waste your time on someone like me."
L:*"Reki don't say that."

He just gets left on read after that. Langa kinda just goes on with his day until reki starts texting him again.

R:*"Langa, can you come over im really not in a good spot mentally."
L:*"yes of course, is everything alright?"

Langa shows up to reki in his room sobbing. Langa walks in and stares at him. "Reki.." "hi- sorry my rooms more of a mess than the rest of this shit hole.." langa walks over and hugs rekil while sitting down next to him. "Its fine i don't mind." "I'm sorry I made you come over I just don't wanna be alone right now I've been crying all day-" "shush. It's ok." Langa pulls reki onto his lap and reki starts sobbing into his shoulder. "I'm sorry..." "why?" "I'm such an..a-awful person. I've done nothing but hurt you." "Thats not true reki-" "IM SORRY." Langa keeps comforting him. Having noticed the dried blood stains on rekis sleeves a while ago but not saying anything at the moment because it obviously wasn't a good time. "Reki your a good person." "N-no..I'm not..." "yes you are." "The only way I'll be a good person is if i make myself pay for everything I've ever done.." reki mumbling quitely to himself, but langa still picking up on it. "Reki. What do you mean by that." "N-nothing..." "Reki." "I told you it's nothing-!" "I already saw the blood on your sleeves, so if that's what you meant you can't hide it from me" "...i-its old blood.." "reki I'm not stupid." Reki sighs heavily and burries his face in langas arms. "Can I see?" "No.." "Reki please..." reki sighs and slowly rolls up his sleeve, showing langa all the fresh cuts, which there were quite a few of. "Reki..." "it's..its not a big deal langa I've got it under control." "No you don't. Can you at least clean or bandage them please...?" "...fine."

Reki comes back with bandages covering most of his arm. "There." "Good. I'm proud of you." "You shouldn't be." "Reki cmon. Calm down. Let's go watch movies or something okay?" "A-alright..."

《Bad Matches And Broken Promises》- A Renga Angst Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now