Double Date <3

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<Sehun's POV>
I woke up extra early today, feeling so excited my hearts gonna explode. I'm going to meet my angel today, and we're going to have a date !!!!! A DATE !!!!! Like, how many lucky guy gets to have the chance to be asked out by his own crush ?!

*Flashback to yesterday, after school.*
"Sehun-ah !!! Wait for me !!!!" Aww.....that sweet voice !!! I turned and faced her.
"Yeah ? Wassup ?" I coolly answered her.
"Sehunnie, are you free for tomorrow ?? Well..since it's Saturday ??"
"Tomorrow ? Yeah, why ?"
"Erm...I was you wanna come to the amusement park with me ?"
*le blushes* "S-Sure !! What time and where ?"
"Tomorrow on 10:00 am, the new theme park themed 'The Wolf and The Beauty' , you okay with it ?"
"Sure, sure, I'm gonna come!!"
"Here !! A snapback I bought for you. Wear it tomorrow, arrasseo ?"
*flashes the most charming smile ever* "Arrasseo !! See ya' tomorrow, annyeong !!"
"Ne, annyeong !!!!"
I watched her as she walked away to the opposite direction where I'm going. Her long hair swaying side to side as she walk away.
*Le Screams*
"Oh My God !! Oh My God !! Oh My God !! IS THIS TRUE ?!!! SHE ASKED ME OUT, SHE ASKED ME OUT !!!!!!!! Oh My God !!" I jump up and down with joy. I swear I'm in cloud nine that time of the day.
*Flashback ends*

I wore a casual white shirt, black jeans, and wore the 'WOLF' snapback cheonsa gave me yesterday, and went to the amusement park.

<Carine's POV>
Hmm....what should I wear ? A dress ? No !!! Who wears a dress to amusement parks ? Those roller coaster rides are too cool for dresses. Perhaps I'll dress casually ? But Sehun's there as well !! I don't want to embarrass myself !!! At last, I decided to wear a simple shirt with a baseball jacket, skinny jeans and a 'WOLF' snapback Shirley gave me yesterday. What's up with her with the snapback ? Whatever, I hailed a cab and went to the amusement park, my heart palpitating fast. I was thrilled to see Sehun.

-At The Wolf and The Beauty Amusement Park-
<Shirley's POV>
I arrived at the theme park first. one's here ?! Might as welll buy the tickets first, look at the crowd, it's too early and already have a huge amount of visitors lining up for the tickets already...
*After 20 minutes lining up*
"Annyeonghaseyo agassi, I see you don't have your boyfriend with you...this theme park is designed for couples, are you sure you want to buy the tickets ?" the counter lady smiled warmly and asked.
"Annyeonghaseyo, aniyo, he's not here yet..can I buy the tickets first ? 2 girls and 2 boys, I came with my chingu and her namja chingu as well." I politely smiled and answered back.
"Ah...arrasseoyo. Here are the tickets, and some bands for you guys to wear."
"What's the bands for ?"
"It's our presents for the couples that come to our park. We want you to remember your time together in the park."
"Arrasseo, here are the money, kamsahamnida !!"
"Ne, kamsahamnida, enjoy yourselves !!"- counter lady
I walked away with the tickets in my hand and I stare at the bands the counter lady gave me. It's blue and pink, and it's pretty, I wonder how much it costs them to give out so much ?
"Shirley !!"
I turned around and saw a, LUHAN running towards me. He looks so perfect like a cut-out from a manga right now. Dang the butterflies in my stomach !!
"Shirley-ah annyeong !!" Luhan cheerfully smile and waved at me.
"A-Annyeong Luhan-ssi..." I can feel the blood rushing to my face all of a sudden.
"What a coincidence !! What brings you here ? Who are you waiting for ? Your namja chingu-ya ?" Luhan looked around searching for "my boyfriend" and asked.
"A-Aniyo......" "SHIRLEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Carine shouting from afar. She ran towards us and I saw Luhan smiling wide from ear to ear, his eyes sparkling more than usual.
"Oh ?? Luhan-ah annyeong !!" Carine cheerfully greeted Luhan and Luhan smiled even more, making me break a little inside. At that time, Sehun saw us and came to us too. And of course, Carine blushed immediately after seeing him. And together, the four of us went into the park.

<Carine's POV>
"Hey Shirley..." Sehun started, " Isn't this supposed to be just the two of us ?" Sehun then frowned.
"Er....okay, so this is it. We're going to have a double date !!!" Shirley enthusiastically stated.
"WHAT ?!!!!!" the boys bellowed. "This is supposed to be just us two !!" Sehun cried out.
"Carine-ah, didn't you tell me yesterday that it's supposed to be a date between us two ?" Luhan cried out to me. I walked towards him and patted his shoulders, "Mianhae Luhan-ah, it's supposed to be a double-date me and Shirley planned."
"FINE." both of them dejectedly answered together. "But...."started Luhan, "....Who with who ?"Sehun continued and they high-fived each other without looking at each other, and staring at us instead.
"Here, me and Carine drawed for our partner, it's luck and fate alright ? I'm sorry if you don't like this arrangement, but it's just a friendly date, don't be mad and enjoy ourselves, alright ?"Shirley told them.
"Sehun-ah...."Shirley started, "....Yes ???" Sehun is nervous with this, "...with Carine !! And me with Luhan oppa. This is it !! Let's go our own ways and meet after in 3 hours at the ice cream parlour, arrasseo ?! ANNYEONG !!! We're going !!!!" with that, Shirley dragged the speechless, jaw-dropped Luhan away from me and Sehun.
"H-Hey..." *blushes* -Me
"Where you wanna go first ?"
"hesHm...let's walk around and see, o-okay ?"
"Sure, let's..."
Awkwardness fills the air as we walked together. Until he spotted a theater-like place. "Should we go in and watch this first ?"
"It's about the theme of the park...the games and entertainments are based on the story starred...hmm?" I read as I look at the description box.
"Shall we then ? It'll be better I think, since we know the concept and all..."Sehun looked at the poster and said.
"Yeah, kaja !!"

-In the theater-
"Once upon a time, there was a wolf, a cold hearted, snobbish, arrogant wolf, which is an alpha. He's pack members are all afraid of him, he's the strongest and most respected in the whole magical realm. He was known to be a killer, nothing can stop him, he had no weakness. Until one night, he saw a gorgeous girl sitting on a bench, seems to be enjoying th night breeze. She was like a goddess to him, he can't find any words to describe her beauty. The moonlight shone on her face and made her even pretty. It was love at first sight for the Wolf. The Wolf wanted to approach her in his human form, but suddenly, some men in black showed up before the girl. The girl was shocked when the men suddenly trapped her and chained her up from behind. They also covered her mouth and nose with a cloth, causing the girl to faint. A man suddenly leaned down to the girl's neck. The wolf was angry, no one hurts the girl he likes. He went nearer to the men and growled at them, the men in black put down their masks and flashed their fangs....they are the Vampires, mortal enemies to every Wolves out there. They fought hard, of course, it was a piece of cake for the Wolf as he's an alpha. He won against them and killed them. He went to the girl, he gently nuzzled her for her to wake up...."
"Awww......." went the crowd in the theater, the scene was so cute !!!!
"The girl eventually woke up in a guy's arm. He was the Wolf. She studied his features, sharp nose, long eyelashes which a guy definitely don't need, tanned skin, dirty-blonde hair, thick eyebrows and lips that looks kissable. As she studies his features, she reached out to touch his face, but she didn't know that the Wolf was awake and aware that she was staring at him. When the girl touches his cheeks, he quickly caught the girl's hand gently and looked into her eyes with that big brown orbs of his. The girl saw love in his eyes and fell for him too. That was the day, they both confirmed that they are mates, and perfectly matched for each other. THE END."

The audience clapped loudly for the show. This story plot is a bit ridiculous, how can a girl and the wolf fall in love that quickly ? What the hell ? Nevermind, it's still a love STORY alright. Sehun in the other hand, looked like he was immersed in that story, well ? Loving it probably. Wait...we both didn't notice something...We wore the same 'WOLF' snapbacks !!! Shirley... -.-" !!!!!!

We walked out together but this time with less awkwardness as we discussed the story plot of the movie. We went to the the nearest place, "The Place Where We Met" we both read out looking at the title. A staff welcomed us to the place and explained the rules to us. Seems like we have to seperate, I will have to go to 'The Bench' where the girl was frightened by the vampires. Then Sehun will have to play games to release me from the bench, then together, we have to defeat the vampires by pressing a button together holding hands. Then we can escape through a door together, and we win the game.

The staff blind-folded me and under her lead, we went to a bench and sat me down. After some minutes, I can hear Sehun running, and some fake hitting sound was heard. Like those, you know, in the action movies ? Something like that." Then after that, I can feel some presence behind me and the door opened suddenly with a loud 'BANG!'.
"Carine-ah, gookjunghajima, oppa wasseo. I won't let anyone hurt you." Sehun's voice suddenly rang in my ears. I was so happy with that verse. Then some fake hitting sounds were heard again, probably 'fighting' with the vampires right now.

After that, I felt Sehun removing the blindfold and after he opened it, my eyes took a while to adjust to the lighting, and to find Sehun's flawless face just an inch before mine.

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