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Tied up to a wooden chair in the dimly lit basement of the house your eyes slowly opened finally waking from your unconscious state. you had on just your undergarments. The moldy smell of the basement invaded your nose, a shard of glass lodged into the heel of your foot, "where-" a shadowy figure stepped into the dim light holding a pocket sized knife. "Mommy! You're finally awake! We can play now!" the black haired boy cheered.

"Who are you?" the boy sat on his knees in front of you, "I'm your princess mommy!" his thick lips formed into a pout, "y-you don't remember me?!" tears started to form in his doe eyes. "Hey, hey don't cry sweetie. I'm just asking because I don't know you-" that angered him, he huffed and pointed the knife at your bare thigh, "No! No! No! You know me mommy!!" the tears in his eyes fell due to his now angered feelings.

"I-I'm sorry! I don't" The crying boy pushed the knife into your thigh, "you do!" you screamed out in pain tears welled up in your eyes, you pulled at the restraints. "O-okay!! I do! P-please!stop!!!" he quickly pulled the knife out and dropped it, he crawled toward his little table full of his other torture toys and grabbed the bandages, "m-mommy don't cry okay?"

He wrapped your thigh up and put the rest of the bandages away, "j-just play with me!" he pushed the strands of hair that hung loosely in your face behind your ear, "h-how? I can't move?" he deeply sighed, standing up and walking behind you. He slowly untied your wrists only leaving your ankles tied."we are gonna color!" he put a coloring book on your lap with some crayons, he took out his own but he used markers.

"P-princess?" he opened a blue marker and wrote his name on the page before coloring, 'taemin...' you thought. He smiled up at you after hearing his favorite name. "Yes mommy?" you opened the book up to a random page, "where are we?" you used a red crayon to color in the small heart on the page, "we're home! Where else?"

"No. I mean where are we really?" taemin stopped coloring, he closed the marker and pushed the book aside, "we are home mommy." his breathing became heavy, he got agitated easily. "Okay b-baby calm down, i was just checking. Okay?" he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before he started to color again.

A few hours went by, taemin sat in your lap fast asleep. His legs put pressure on your stab wound and the pain only got worse by the minute, "princess?" you whispered into his ear as your fingers combed through his fluffy hair. "Wake up, mommy misses you." you cringed at the words coming out of your mouth. You had to put up an act until you could come up with an escape plan. "Noo! I'm too sleepy!" he shifted around on your lap, "you should sleep in your big comfy bed sweetie." he pouted with his eyes still closed.

"Wake up taemin." his eyes immediately shot open. "What did you just call me?" he got up from your lap, anger taking over him. "Y-you weren't l-listening to me.." he picked up a bigger knife. "Do you love me mommy?" he swung the knife around as he walked in circles near you. "I-I don't know..." he cut your arm, the cut was small and clean but blood gushed out of it, "wrong answer."

He ran his fingers through his hair, "i love you so much mommy, i chose you! And you don't know if you love me?!" he pulled at his hair, "w-we just me-" he cut you again with the knife this time in your other thigh and the cut was much deeper. "No! I've known you for so long! I know everything about!" the boy plopped down onto the floor near the chair, tears fell from your eyes nonstop from the pain. "L-look just go sleep in your nice b-bed. Lets t-talk about this in the morning, o-okay?"

He placed the knife onto the floor, taemin gently kissed your lips you didn't answer the kiss already too disgusted by him. "Well goodnight mommy." he happily climbed the stairs, closing and locking the door to his basement. You quickly worked on untying your ankles. You successfully got free and roamed around limping from your cuts and the glass still in your foot. you found the door to the garage and opened it. One of the cars was unlocked you sat inside only to find the decaying bodies of his parents.

The rotten smell was overwhelming you opened the door holding your stomach as the food taemin fed you came up. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand leaned against the other car. You tugged on the handles of the doors in the backseat, they were unlocked. You climbed inside and hot wired the car, before driving off you pressed a button on a small remote you found inside the car for the garage you pressed the button and drove out of the place.

Taemin shot up, being a light sleeper he heard the loud noise. He ran out of his room and all the way to the basement then the garage but you were already gone. "No! Mommy! I'm s-sorry!" he completely broke down in tears and anger. The love of his life just left him, what did he do wrong? You drove to your house and packed your things, while you packed your things you called the police and told them everything.

You threw your things into the car and continued driving getting as far away as possible. Taemin watched his house from afar as the police raided it, he hand cleaned up every surface where he left any finger prints. The boy drove away eventually, following the tracking device he put on the car he was going to give you in the future. "I'll get you again mommy! And you will love me!" he smiled at the bodies in the backseat, "you guys will love her."

Word count: 1,059.

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