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"fuck.. are you kidding me?" you slammed your hands repeatedly into the steering wheel, the car ran out of gas and you're in the middle of a twisty, bendy road in the middle of a huge forest. "i only have one choice left."

like the stupid people from horror movies you leave the car, keeping the keys in your pocket. you wonder into the forest trying to get away as quick as possible. he couldnt find you here, or so you hoped.

hours that seemed to feel like days, you made it deep enough in the forest. it was getting dark, the sun was setting fast. you came across a little house, it looked old and run down but that was better than sleeping out in a dark and eerie forest with no source of warmth.

you enter the ragedy looking house and look around, there is a little fire place and an old fashioned stove, which probably dated back to the mid 1800s. you look for anything that could light the wood that was left in the fire place.

you found old matches on the floor covered in ash and prayed for them to work. you lit the match successfully and threw it into the fireplace, the wood caught fire and kept you warm. it was your only source of light as well.

you look out the window taking in the spooky scenery but as you were studying the ginormous trees, what looked like the light from a flash light pointed at the house. "what if it's him? shit!!" you look around the house looking for an escape route.

a hatch in the floor doesnt go unnoticed, you pull it with all your might and climb down it. you close the hatch door behind you. the place underground was already lit. "what the... do people live here?" you stood in the middle of the underground room. the walls were filled with pictures of you. "no..."

you stumbled across your kidnappers lair. his hideout and place were he studies you, where he lives for you and craves for you. above you the door opens to the house. you can hear the foot steps and the creaking of the floor boards.

soon the hatch opened, "hello?? is anyone down there?" it didnt sound like your kidnapper, the person sounded like a woman. "yes im down here! i was kidnapped and i was being chased by my kidnapper! please get help!"

you rush to the opened hatch and stare up at the women, she looked to be middle aged 35-40. "okay okay im calling the police right now!" the woman stayed with you at the open hatch until the police arrived. she had seen the car on the side of the road and followed footsteps she seen in the mud.

the police took you to the station, took a statement from you and drew a picture of him to use in the news.

meanwhile.. taemin was still in his car, he had the radio on. "wait.. is it talking about... me? mommy.. what have you done."

they put you under witness protection and you finally felt safe.

... but that safe feeling would soon end, he found you again.

"thought you could escape me that quickly?" taemin climbed through the window of the government owned house, cameras guarded the place heavily and a few police men were working undercover.

taemin dodged all of the cameras and officers somehow.

while you were sleeping taemin pulled a cloth and chloroform out from a satchel he had, he poured the substance on the cloth and covered your nose and mouth. you woke up completely panicked but everything soon went dark once again.

"sleep well mommy.."

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