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song of the chapter

luxurious -Gwen Stefani

y/n pov-

you plop on your bed still at a complete loss of words at what the hell had happened today

-the next day-

you sit down in class to see Levi already here... he's never here early

"hey give me your phone," he says without changing his emotionless face I just handed him my phone again speechless" there now you can help me with this dumb shit," he says tossing my phone back at me

"ok" was all I said as I grabbed my books out of my bag and sat them on the table opening them to the notes I took yesterday

"you have nice handwriting brat," Levi said leaning up to my paper

"thank you" I just said with a soft girn opening my eyes to see him staring into my e/c eyes with his steel grey ones... we stayed there for a couple of seconds before I quickly looked away hiding my blush

"tch" he let out with a light chuckle

that's the first time I've ever heard him laugh its lowkey attractive I wish he would do it more often

-after class-

I walk out of the classroom as Levi catches up with me

"hey text me after school brat," he says then walks away

the girls in the hallway had heard and got furious at me as they all ran up to me with angry faces

"what was that about" one girl snarked

"Why does he have your number freak," another said

levis pov-

"Levi helpppp" I heard hanji yell as she ran up to me

"what do you want now four eyes," I said bluntly to her

"it's y/n she's being badly picked on and it's about you come on," she says pulling me to y/n on the floor crying at the girls surrounding her. I pushed through the crowd of girls leaving them speechless

"what the fuck are you guys doing," I said grabbing y/ns arm and pulling her up

"oh um Levi" a girl tried to speak but I cut her off

'lay another hand on her and you'll deal with me" I said

"Levi what do you even see in this girl I mean look at her she's trashy," a girl says getting me furious once again, I just pulled y/n out of the crowd and onto the roof where no one was

"Are you ok?" I ask her while she is still in tears

"yeah thank you so much," she says crying her eyes out, I gently clasp her chin and lift her to where her eyes met mine I saw pink blush form on her cheeks

"tch," I said pulling her into a gentle hug leave her speechless

your pov-

Levi had hugged me I was in complete shock at what had just happened but I didn't hesitate instead I just hugged him back letting more tears run down my face soaking his shirt I pulled away "oh I'm so so sorry" I said

"tch it's fine sorry about those girls they are so damn crazy and over me, I don't understand why," he said

"well because you're perfect" I quickly covered my mouth oh shit I just said that out loud shit shit shit no no no

"tch thanks," he says patting my head and walking away

what did I just do I just called Levi perfect in front of him and he didn't get mad ok I've said this so many times but I must be dreaming.


a/n- yeah this chapter is short I'm so sorry but I'm so glad you stuck around for the next chapter see ya soon

bye, my Levi simps<3

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