27.furlans talk

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A/n- só Im starting to add titles now maybe it will attract more readers? Who knows anyways enjoy the story🤍
It's kinda short so I'm sorry about that/(😭

-Levi's pov-

I was sitting down on the couch at a loss of words, I heard my phone ring and hesitated to pick it up. When I had realized it was furlan I instantly answered "furlan is y/n ok?" I ask frantically

"Yes levi she is" he says, I let out a sigh and so does he "levi I don't understand why you cheated on her, that's not like you at all and especially with Petra of all people?"

"Furlan i don't know what I did all I know is that I fucked up and I want y/n back" I say my voice shaking

"Levi it's clear somethings up you're not yourself at all" he says, I sigh again

"I just want y/n back, I miss her" I say quietly

"Yes levi I know that but something else is wrong" he says

"I- I" my mind went blank "Petra forced me" I Finnaly let out

"What do you mean" he asks me


I opened the door, ah Petra "what do you want?" I asked her annoyed

"You" she says looking me in my eyes

"Look y/n isn't home so can you leave?" I say waving my hand dismissively

She didn't leave she had pushed her self into my house, she had both her hands on my chest "Petra stop" I yelled as I grabbed her wrist making her whine In pain

"No" she yells and jerks her hand from my grasp

"Y/n stole you from me and now it's my turn, if you don't do what I say I will not hesitate to hurt y/n and your little child" she says, my eyes widened

"You wouldn't" I challenged her

"Big talk for a small man" she says crossing her arm

"I swear to-" I was cut off my her lips on mine, I pushed her off of me making her fall the the floor "get off of me I have a wife for gods sake" I yell

"Do you think I care huh? She took you so I'm just getting my revenge, don't underestimate me levi I will hurt her" she says in a rather non joking tone

"Fine done just please don't hurt her" I begged

"Good now make sure to text me" she says kisses me and walks out the door


"She said if I didn't do what she wanted she would hurt y/n and Fay I couldn't let that happen so I went along with it"

"You could've told y/n at least so she would know"

"I would've but I didn't know what Petra was capable of and the last thing I wanted to happen was for y/n or Fay to be hurt" I said, a small tear formed in my eye

"Here" he said as his voice left the phone
"Hello" a familiar vocie said

"Y/n?" I jump up

"Hi Levi" she says quietly

"Y/n I'm sorry please I was forced I never wanted to-" I was cut off my y/n

"Levi I already know" she said letting out a sigh "I'm sorry levi I got all mad at you but can you blame me I actually thought you didn't love me anymore" her voice shaked

"Y/n I love you more than anything" I say loudly

"Levi I...love you too...please come over to Isabel"

"I'll be there as soon as I can"

unexpected love (Levi x reader)auWhere stories live. Discover now