30. Accident

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-your pov-

I was walking home from the supermarket, Levi and Fay were at home. I had just picked up the essentials, Levi offered to come but I didn't feel like bringing Fay with us so he stayed home.

I didn't have much but the bags were so full, I loaded the trunk and get in the drivers seat. I stared the car and began to drive, traffic was horrible it felt like I wasn't even gonna make it home.

I come to a stop at the light and just admire the buildings and lights, once the light turned green I began to drive...little did I know I was hit


I opened my eyes, I felt like they were deceiving me, I woke up in a hospital bed, Levi next to me passed out, I didn't know how long I was out, I rested my hand on his head and my stroked his soft raven locks, I must of scared the life out of him waking him up "y/n" he seemed shocked

"Why am I here?" I asked him taking another look around

"You got in a car accident" my eyes widened, what how when Why? So many thoughts were springing from my head at once, I was snapped out of it when levis hands rested on mine "you're ok but..." he trailed off

"But what?" I say nervously

"The baby didn't make it" he looks down, my eyes instantly fill with tears, what no not my child, I'm glad I hadn't told Fay just yet "I'm sorry y/n" he rested his hand on my forehead "it will be ok" he sighs

Loads of tears fell from my eyes, how could this happen and why me "what about the person I hit are they ok?" I ask

"Y/n you didn't hit them, they hit you...they also didn't make it, they were highly intoxicated lol ye doctors told me you might now even make it" he looks down again

"Oh...but I'm alive Levi I'm right here" I kiss the top of his head, he looks up to me and I move to his lips, I was interrupted by the doctor

"Sorry I intruded" she smiles walking in

"Oh it's ok" I say and give her a smile back

"So y/n you seem to be doing better, you were out for about three days" my eyes were wide

"Three days?" I half yell

"Yes we were afraid you wouldn't even make it" she nervously smiles "but you did and you seem to be in good health, you may go home in about 2 days"


Those were the longest 2 days of my entire life, most was spent with Levi next to me which made it a lot better, I hadn't gotten to see Fay in almost a week, Isabel was taking care of her, I love her so much

I finally arrived home, it felt like I while new place like I hadn't been here in years. When I stepped in I instantly felt a pair of tiny arms wrap around me, "hello baby" I say to Fay, I bend down to he level and kiss her cheek

"Hi mommy" she smiles, my heart melted right there, I walked up to Isabel and furlan and hugged them

"Thanks for taking care of her" I said to them both

"Of course" Isabel said

"Tch is everyone gonna get a hug but me?" Levi says crossing his arms, I chuckle and walk up to him and wrap my arms around him, I smile in the hug and tighten it, he rests his chin on my head and I rest my head in the crook of his neck

"The baby didn't make it" I say hiding in Levi's arms

"Wait what?" Isabel says "I'm so sorry y/n" she looks down, furlan wraps his arms around Isabel to embrace her

"It's ok" I say, tears fall from my eyes soaking Levi's black shirt, one of his arms runs up to my back and rubs it slowly, I always felt so much comfort in Levi's arms

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