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-your pov-

Im sitting in the changing room, Isabel and hange right with me,my nerves through the roof, my heart down into my stomach

"I can't believe you are getting married in 5 hours y/n" hanges says

"I know I'm just as shocked as you are" I say nervously

"Oh common y/n, you've got this it's Levi he's the love of your life" Isabel says

"Yes I know I really do love Levi, I'm just nervous, and without my father here it's rough" I say looking down at my lap, they both hug me on each side

"Ok you guys ready?" The lady said

"I think so" I say standing up, after an hour of finding a dress I found the perfect one

(You can have any kind of dress you'd like let your imagination take you wherever)

"It's perfect" Hange says clapping her hands

"I have to say I agree" Isabel adds

"I think so too" I smile and twirls

-Levi's pov-

I'm with furlan, I can't wait to be married to her, I've been with her for 6 years and I get to Finally marry her, I have a daughter who I love so much

"Looks slick" furlan says

"Thanks " I pat his back

"So you ready?" He asks me

"I think so I'm just ready to be married to this women" I say

"Woah calm tiger" furlan laughs, I let out a small chuckle

- - -

As I wait for y/n to walk out my heart is sinking I'm so nervous and I don't know why, I see her turn the corner she's glowing, she's gorgeous

She walks until she was right in front of me I lift her vail and smile at her

-your POV-

I could feel tears in my eyes as he lifted the vail and smiled at me, but I held them back and smiled at him

I stared into his Grayish blue eyes and he stared into my (e/c) ones

"We are gathered together here to unite this man Levi Ackerman and this woman (y/n)(l/n) in the bonds of matrimony." The minister starts, I hold Levi's hands in mine

"Many of us have experienced the seemingly counterintuitive feeling that giving feels a lot more rewarding than receiving. Your whole body, your mind, your heart is filled with content and joy when you give and see how positively it affects those who are receiving. A healthy, happy marriage consists of two partners who are whole heartedly ready and willing to give and receive just as Levi Ackerman and (y/n)(l/n) so obviously are.

And so now is the time for Levi and y/n to officially make the marriage commitment."

We both nod our heads and look back at each other

"Do you Levi Ackerman, take (y/n)(l/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Levi says

"Do you take Levi Ackerman to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" I say a small tear falling from my face

"You may now exchange rings and vows" the Minster said

I take the ring and place it on his finger "Levi I love you with my heart and I know I always will, you may be a clean freak but I couldn't imagine my life without you"

He takes the ring and place's it on my hand "y/n I've never loved anyone as much as I've loved you these past 6 years, ever moment I've been with you has been the best moments of my life, I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone else" he says making tears come from my eyes

"By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife, you make kiss the bride"

Levi wraps his arms around and picks me up kissing me, all I could hear in the back was the cheering of my friends, he sets me down and rests his forehead on mine

"Nice tô meet you y/n Ackerman" Levi smiles

"Glad to be one" I smile back

- - -

Isabel, hange, mikasa, história, and I were Dancing and joking around, sasha was at the food table of course, eren, Jean, Connie, and furlan were with Levi

"I can't believe you're married" Isabel jumps up and down

"I know believe me" I smile

"Ok guys time for the bride and grooms dance" a lady said over the microphone

Everyone left the floor, I walked towards the middle and Levi did the same, I looked at him with a smile and held out my hand, he placed both his hands on my waist, I rested mine around his neck, we swayed back and forth to the music, I laid my head on Levi's chest as we danced, soon more people started to dance with their partners, I chuckled a bit

"What are you laughing about" Levi asks making me face him

"Oh just Isabel and furlan" I say pointing the the couple who's trying to dance, he lets out a small chuckle and looks into my eyes, he rests his hand under my chin and pulls me in to kiss him, I melt into his kiss


It was time to cut cake, both me and Levi held the knife in our hands as we cut down the middle, I could see Sasha eyes lit up she was practically drooling all over the floor

We all sat down and ate cake and talked about random things, we waited for the funnest part of the night where I can throw the bouquet

All the girls lined up and I stood in front of them, I threw the bouquet back and waited for someone to catch it, too my surprise mikasa was the one who had caught it, she looks straight to eren "Eren you better get ready we're getting married" she yells, eren face says pure terrified, we all laugh

- - -

I'm married to Levi now I'm happier than ever, I had a child and the man of my dreams, I really don't think it can get any better than this

1017 words

unexpected love (Levi x reader)auWhere stories live. Discover now