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-your POV-

Levi has to go on a business trip for a week to see if he can expand his company, I'll be stuck her for awhile by myself with Fay, Levi had to bring along a partner so Isabels and kous gonna stay with me until they get back.

I pack the last of Levi's things and peck his lips
"I will miss you" I say smiling at him

"It's only a week you'll be fine" he says wrapping his arms around me

"I don't think I will" I laugh he clicks his tongue and walks to the door Furlan is waiting for him in the car and Isabel is coming in with Kou and all her stuff, I give one last kiss to Levi and watch as he leaves

- - -

Me and Isabel watch as they babies play on the play mat "I can't believe he's almost one" I say looking at her

"Yep in one month he will be" she smiles

"Mines only 4 months"

"They will hopefully be close friends" she's says then her eyes lit up "wait what if they fell in love" she says in awe, I give her a smile

"That would be so cute and Levi shouldn't mind knowing our daughter is in love with his best friends so" we both fangirl until we got hungry, I picked up the phone and ordered some pizza


We ate and watched a bunch of movies until we fell asleep, the babies were in the swings

The next morning we both wake up to a mess "holy crap" I hear Isabel laugh

"Yeah no kidding if Levi was here he would murder me" I say laughing with her, both babies were soon to wake up to we both made their bottles and sat down in front of them waiting for them to wake up, Kou woke up first, he didn't wake up with a terrible scream like Fay did, soon after Fay woke up, but she didn't wake up like she normally does, it had me worried a little, after I feed her I went to change her and noticed red spots down her back, I gently rest my hand on them, she let out a terrifying scream and Isabel runs in the room "I don't know what's wrong she has these spots and I don't know what they are" I say freaking out, of course this had to happen when Levi wasn't home

"Let's go we have to go to the doctor as soon as we can" I grab Fay and Isabel grabs Kou, we run to the car and strap on both babies, my heart was beating fast as I rushed to the hospital, not fast enough I would get in trouble but fast enough that my heart was gonna sink out of my chest, we get to the hospital and run in my eyes full of tears my heart beating super fast

"What's going on?" I hear the resectionist say

"I don't know my doctor has these red spot and they hurt when you touch them" I say with my voice shaking

"Ok right this way" she leads us into a room and sits down Fay in a little seat, she starts to examine her, my heart sinks at every cry she lets out, Isabel sits next to me with kou on her arms, she rests her hand on mine and gives me a soft smile, I gave her a tiny one back since I was still so anxious


After a bit the doctor came with a paper, Fay had fallen asleep in the chair

"The red spots were nothing bad, she didn't have chicken pox, it was just a mild rash, did she eat anything weird?" He asks me, I shake my head no "hmm" he Hums "here is this medication all you have to do is pop a little bit of it into every bottle you feed her and the rash shouldn't come back, if it does come back to us"

"Ok thank you so much" I walk up and grab Fay, we all walk out and sit in the car, A sigh of relief wash's over me, but I'm still so shaken up about what had happened

Just then we get a call from Levi, I quickly answer it putting it on speaker

"Hello?" I frantically say

"Whoa are you ok" he asks me

"No were not we just came from the hospital Fay had some rash y/n is still pretty upset" Isabel speaks for me I look at her and moth the words 'thank you'

"That's good to hear y/n will you be ok?" Furlan asks me

"Yeah I think so it just freaked me out and of course happend when Levi left" I say

"Sorry" levi says

"It's fine baby I'm joking" I say he just tchs, he hates when I call him that, Isabel snatch's the phone out of my hand and turns it to FaceTime, I quickly wipe my face, as they both appeared on the screen

"You really are shaken up" I hear Furlan say

"Yeah just a little, can you guys just come back I miss you" I say in a whiny tone

"Yes what y/n said" Isabel adds

"Wish we could but this is for a could cause" Furlan says

"Awe" Isabel pouts

"It's 6 days like I said you'll live" Levi says kinda annoyed

"Sorry we just miss you both and so do your children" I say showing them both in the back sleeping

"Well we better go have fun girls" furlan says as he hangs up the phone

"They suck" Isabel says and I laugh "but I love them" she adds

"I do too" I say smiling "I really can't imagine life without Levi in it I thought I would never have a chance to be with him what so ever but here I am, engaged and have a child I love life" I say

"Same with me I'm married to the love of my life and I'm here with my best friend and I have a child I always think I'm dreaming but when I realize I'm not i smile like and idiot" I hug her and she hugs me
1045 words

unexpected love (Levi x reader)auWhere stories live. Discover now